A letter for Missionaries sent 
         from RAUM

                                                                                        Gods' Messagaes for Missionary                       

              Just now is the dawn of the White-generation, that is, the launch into the 
              new Peace World.

    The Paradise on the earth c the Peace World is unfolded before your 
              eyes. You shall be going to meet with the great White-generation that will 
              put a period to the dark corrupted world of falsehood and close the crazy 
              age of confusion.

              Justice will defeat the full of wickedness, the dirt filled with filth shall be 
              cleaned, the exquisite light will clear the covered darkness away and all 
              the Nature will never fail to change their aspects according to the great 
              rule and reason that everything shall be reversed as soon as it will reach 
              the climax.

              Every kind of prophecy will come out true so that the KOU-FUU (*) would 
              have hardly blown before the White-generation should be revealed. The 
              new Age is drawing near. The new World is within your reach. You are 
              going to meet with the time of endless joy, the world of eternal life, and the 
              place filled with inexhaustible light. The final goal of humankindc the 
              most excellent history and the best circumstances care at hand.

              There is no distance between Heaven and the earth; there is no 
              discrimination found between Gods and the human being; there is no 
              distinction among the people so that everything and every being shall be 
              united and harmonized. There could be found nothing but joy, love, 
              development, truth, goodness, and beauty. How joyful times and days 
              would are there in the wonderful White-generation!

              I, RAUM, wish I met with the generation without a momentfs delay. 
              However, the greatest White-generation should hardly be released, unless 
              the enormous amounts of the Childrenfs crimes and sins would have 
              been expiated. When I, RAUM, think of the fact, I earnestly wish I met with 
              the White-generation so later as possible. Nevertheless the truth and the 
              settled rules are absolutely certain so that nobody could be free from the 
              great Selection. Whatever almighty I might be, things should be far 
              beyond me.

               Look! The wicked winds should blow violently around the world, the evil 
              atmosphere might hurt the human mind, the filthy mad would cover all 
              over the world, and the sky would be entirely wrapped in strange clouds. 
              SAN-KAI shall be changed into the same crazy world as the cruel Hell.       
              Thus, the cold earth, the dark world, all the world full of these ominous 
              sceneries will never fail to encounter the great catastrophe one after 
              another so that the Children shall be selected without knowing it. I shall 
              hardly be able to help bearing to see my Children hurt and killed day by 
              day according to their causalities. My heart shall be pierced with grief. It 
              must be the utmost miserable to see that the Children might be weeded 
              out one after another by the Selection. The fact that the Salvation 
              progresses at a snailfs pace meanwhile the Selection of sixty thousand 
              years makes very quick progress nevertheless would make me feel sad, 
              MI-ROKU give a sigh, KAN-NON feel pain and YUMI-NAGA worry about it.

              I hope that my Children who have been initiated into the Way should learn 
              its concepts deeper and deeper for the sake of further spreading it. They 
              should hold up the hanging lanterns of the Way all over the world so as to 
              fill SAN-KAI with their bright lights. You should not wait the asking for your 
              help from the people but extend your helping hand to them. If it were not 
              for your help, who would be said to be able to afford it? Who could make 
              the public free from the biggest Selection instead of you? It must be 
              nobody but you who have been initiated into the Way so as to understand 
              the mission that would be able to do it. You are the real Saviour
ur, Angel 
              and Messiah. Who would act instead of you? Who might run as long as 
              you donft? Who could save the people except you?

               I have invested YUMI-NAGA with full power to manage DOU-BAN. And 
              YUMI-NAGA has entrusted each one of you with its important mission. It 
              has been done according to his respective hope and wishes, so that you 
              should neither disappoint his hope nor make his wishes come to naught.   
              The Mission of DOU-BAN could be accomplished first with your helps. 
              Therefore, you ought to make up your mind to master the Way so as to 
              spread it in the world.

             The propagation of TEN-DOU is the sole mission and the utmost mercy as 

           I have sent you go down to the world in order to spread it all over the 
              world. You shall need neither to be attached to the provisional 
              phenomena nor to be puzzled by the tricks any more. All the time you can 
              afford is the time you must have been endowed by Heaven so that you 
              donft have any time to waste for yourself but to spend for the sake of 
              fulfilling your duty. You shall by no means kill your time.

              How many people might have been dying day by day? You should have to 
              take them for your mother, father, brothers and children; so that you 
              could hardly help spreading the Way from your heart without wasting 
              your time. No mercy, no propagation. Whoever might have mercy in his 
              mind, should naturally do his best to spread the Way at once.

              The propagation of TEN-DOU is the best behaviour and the biggest holy 
              virtue as well.

              The acme of the good behaviour must be the propagation. No better  
is found than it. Put the light on GEN-KAN of all the people one 
              after another. The more lights you have put on, the more you shall be 
              rewarded with their reflections so as to make your spiritual light brighten 
              still more. And then you should return again the light back to the people. 

              These perpetual behaviours shall bring you the endless progress

              harmony and radiation
in your spiritual light.

              The propagation of TEN-DOU is the real training and the fruit of the 
               faithfulness as well.

              The real training shall not be done for the sake of onefs own but for the 
              worldfs or the mankindfs sake. The training shall be matured first when 
              one could have made him devote himself to the public entirely.

               The internal faithfulness in onefs mind should reveal the form of external 
               propagation. The inside faithfulness must be used to reveal itself outside. 
               As far as the propagation is concerned, I am expecting you not so much 
               perfection as faithfulness and

               The propagation of TEN-DOU is the key to the White-generation and the 
               expectation into the future as well.

               You should break peoplesf GEN-HIN (GEN-KAN) covered with their wicked 
               causalities so as to let the great breath of coming HAKU –YOU 
               (White-generation) through and make each one of the public feel the 
               premonitions of its coming. Therefore, you should get rid of the publicfs 
               boundless anxieties for the future world, which might have occupied their 
               minds secretly and unconsciously, and then let them know that the future 
               world would be the brilliant HAKU-YOU Paradise without doubt.

               The propagation of TEN-DOU is the response not only to me but also to 
               the public.

                If you could concentrate your consciousness in GEN-KAN you would find 
                me there. If only you could feel my emotion you might response it without 
                fail. No feeling without response, no response without feeling. You 
                should keep it a rule to feel the public and me so as to respond to the 
                public and to me. The extremity of the response is the initiation into the 
                Way. Make the public feel that TEN-DOU should have to be true and as a 
                rule SAN-POU might scarcely be endowed.

                Moreover, let all of them feel that they should be nothing but the real 
                Children of RAUM.
If only one could feel something, he would never fail to 
                get the response according as the causality might work. You could make 
                the general public with your faithfulness feel something to do with the 
                Way, and you could induce them with your enthusiasm to respond it. 
                Nobody have nothing to do with the Way, because all the public must be 
                Buddha who are relative to it.

                You have to wake up their relationship to the Way by any means cmake 
                the best of every kind of measure and expedient. There are two sorts 
                possible as for the relationship; one was bound in the past another is 
                going to be bound now. You ought to save not only those people with 
                whom you might have something to do, but also those people whom you 
                would induce to have it. Never be irresolute! Donft hesitate! The more 
                good cause you will make, the more good effect you can expect. Let the 
                good relationships spread among the world widely and rapidly just as 
                 the water rings are extending. You should not wait for a favourable 
                opportunity to save the people until the time when the past causalities 
                might be due but do your best to wake up them at once. You can hardly 
                 judge with your little brains whether a man might have any relationship 
                or not. All the people should have something to do with the Way without 
                 fail. Therefore you should accelerate the maturity speed of their 
                causalities so as to reap their multiplied fruits. There are so many people 
                waiting for your contact in the world, so that you shall extend the thread 
                of relationships endlessly, spread the net of causalities infinitely and 
                save the people who will be connected in the result. Then nobody could 
                fail to be saved in the world.

                Whoever engages in the propagation of TEN-DOU should have a great 
                love first.

                No love, no propagation. You are requested to have the great love 
                enough to involve everything in the world. The power of love is usually 
                make the anything impossible be possible.

                Whoever engages in the propagation of TEN-DOU should never have 

                Any thought come out of selfishness is used to militate against the 
                propagation. If only a man might reach the stage that the other is nothing 
                but himself and he is nothing but the other, so he could surely find a 
                great development and harmony in his life.

                Whoever engages in the propagation of TEN-DOU should be used to 
                practice SHU-GEN first of all.

                As eStillnessf is the basis of eMovementf, so eEverythingf is used to come 
                from eNothingf. You have to start from the meditation before you act 
                something. Endless exquisite wisdom, eloquence and vitality shall be 
                caused out of GEN-KAN; their enlightenment power and their application 
                field will never be limited.

                Whoever engages in the propagation of TEN-DOU should never have any 
                worldly desire.

                As far as a man could be free from the adherence to the temporary 
                phenomena in the world, he would never fail to be released from any 
                worldly passions. The reality doesnft have any phenomenon or any 
                figure so that you have to look for eternal and immortal something else.

                Whoever engages in the propagation of TEN-DOU should have some 
                endless passion first of all.

                So far as you are working in a fever of the passion, you will certainly be 
                beyond the interference caused by the evil spirit world of any kinds. So, 
                you just have to engage in your business with your whole heart.

                Whoever engages in the propagation of TEN-DOU should not be idle all 
                the time.

                Donft fondle yourself any time, but you shall be always severer with 
                yourself than anybody else. I wish you would trail your additional whip 
                across the full speed running horse. 

                Whoever engages in the propagation of TEN-DOU should have a firm 
                belief first of all.

                If a man cannot believe deeply, he can hardly make the other believe in 
                the Way. You ought to have a firm belief first of all.

                Whoever engages in the propagation of TEN-DOU should not doubt the 
                Way by any means.

                A doubt may arouse a man plenty of suspicions. If a man might have a 
                doubt, he should train himself further in the Way, look for the reason, 
                learn the theory and visit the senior in order to remove the doubt.

                Whoever engages in the propagation of TEN-DOU should have a big 

                TEN-DOU is the sole Way for the general public in the world, so that 
                nobody who engages in the propagation can be left little ambitious. A big 
                ambition is used to have a man make a big success and a great 
                achievement as well.

                Whoever engages in the propagation of TEN-DOU should never be 

                You shall be always the first to preach, learn and spread the Way. You 
                must be a pioneer or a pilot of all the public, so that you have to go ahead 
                of them aggressively.

                The heavenly time limit draws near day by day so that we are driven to 
                save all the beings. It has jarred on my nerves and made the gods in 
                heavens be in a flurry. Therefore anybody shall neither be at a loss, nor 
                be allowed to lose onefs way.

                There is neither limit nor border to love. How would you feel joy to see    
                your family to be saved, and how would you feel sad to see your family 
                not yet to be saved meanwhile. You ought to extend these feelings to all 
                the families and all over the world. Donft you mind if you alone would 
                come Home, while you might have left your family in Hell? Donft you be 
                anxious about your friends who might fall into Hell, notwithstanding you 
                alone would be blessed by God?

                You have to return Home with all the others together. Let people come 
                Home! It is you that are responsible for that. It is a passion of love that 
                must be a natural accompaniment of an initiate of the Way.

                Devote your faithfulness to the propagation! Do all in your power to the 
                propagation! Make your ability be of some use to the propagation! Let 
                your exquisite wisdom come out endlessly in order to lead your friends 
                to TEN-DAN. Call at houses one after another. There are not a few 
                families waiting for your coming. Let them know about my message so 
                as to get rid of their both anxieties and fears and give them the utmost 
                pleasure and hope.

                Make a visit to every religion. There are so many believers waiting for 
                your visit. Let them know about the real enlightenment and the utmost 
                splendid state of mind and preach that all the religions in the world 
                should come back to TEN-DOU without exception.

                Proceed to the world and cover all the status of any kind. There are so 
                many people who are waiting for you among the world. Both the truth 
                and the reason must be common in the world. You have to preach the 
                Way so as to realize it without any discrimination. There is a man beside 
                you who look for your rescue. There is a man behind you who wait for 
                your help. There is a man in front of you who want your preach. All the 
                person around you is expecting from heart that you will move and run 
                about the world. The thousand of thousand of peoplefs precious lives 
                rely upon your hands, minds, mouths and legs. All the people have 
                placed their last wish and hope under your final decisionfs charge. Now 
                your beings must not be yours only but for the sake of them all. You are 
                living for the sake of Heaven and the propagation of the Way as well. 

                You shall become a eWindf. You shall become wind, which will carry the 
                seeds of happiness. Become the wind such that will flow among 
                SAN-KAI, make all over the grand be in full flower of the exquisite Laws, 
                bear fruits of the utmost happiness and grow trees of the peace. 
                Continue to blow ceaselessly!

                You shall become a eBellf. You shall become the alarm bell, which will 
                inform the people MAK-KYOU coming. Become the chapel such that will 
                reverberate all over the macrocosm so as to awake the public from their 
                empty dreams. Ring it wildly! Strike it violently And sound it madly! 

                You shall become a eLightf. You shall become the light, which will shine 
                the dark world. Become the light such that will erase the darkness such 
                that will make the world be filled with brilliant light and shine the route 
                come Home bright. You ought to keep the fire burning as long as you 
                possible and let it brighten endlessly.

                You shall become a ePropf. You shall become the prop and stay of 
                everything. Become the prop such that will sustain human mind, 
                maintain SAN-KAI and support the coming White-generation. You have to 
                be strong and firm never be moved.

                You shall become I, RAUM . You shall become I, RAUM who loves every 
                being and takes pity on everything. Become I, RAUM such a person who 
                will forget selfishness and be awaken to the real oneself so as to forgive 
                and envelope everything.

                You must be very incarnated RAUM. Now is the time you shall set sail a 
                yacht of the Mission powerfully for the disturbed filthy SAN-KAI, over the 
                raging seas and oceans, all over the corrupt world. Never fear of waves, 
                afraid of winds, nor shudder at thunders. I, RAUM is always with you. 
                Nothing could stand in your way, so that you have to make rapid 
                progress bravely. You shall not go back, but go ahead by any means. 
                The terminal is BAN-KYOU-KI-ITSU (*1), FU-DO-SHUU-EN (*2) and 
                HAKU-YOU (*3). Proceed until you shall be rowed out! Never give up the 
                rudder halfway!

                All DOU-SHIN (initiates) ought to help, cooperate and communicate with 
                each other so as to concentrate the biggest manpower. Ten is stronger 
                than one, one hundred is firmer than ten, one thousand is heavier than 
                one hundred and ten thousand is steadier than one thousand. You shall 
                promote greater understanding and make mutual concession in order to 
                make sure of the peaceful human relations. The ship of the Law in 
                TEN-DOU is unique, so that you shall combine your efforts.

                Now, I have finished giving my message titled gthe propagationh to my 
                ambitious Children. If you will read it and know what you should do, then 
                you have nothing but to practice.

                I am going to return Home accompanied with Gods.

                My dear Children! You ought to fly away among SAN-KAI. You have to 
                take wing powerfully all over the world.           
Ah Retire.


                 (*) KOU-FUU: The strong wind word for word; we are told that 81
                         disasters, which belong to this category, will come out in the White-generation.

                    (*1) BAN-KYOU-KI-ITSU: Unification of all the religions.

                    (*2) FU-DO-SHUU-EN: General Salvation.

                    (*3) HAKU-YOU: New Paradise on the New Earth.