A story about the Paradise 
        in Heaven


                                                                                                            Gods' Messagaes for Missionary          


Wild grasses in a spring field look up at the sky with a
                     smile, and animate beings run here and there and sleep on the

The former know manners the latter have place for
peaceful Living,
                     while human beings have neither. 

         The world is neither a place for faith nor a home to live
in idleness.
                     Return to Nature where bear and breed all of the beings
                     cessation. Go marching in the way of life.

                I am RAUM, Creator of Souls, Spirits and Phenomena, will enter a 
                new house attended by some guards.

               I prefer especially to see sacredness, nobility and the beauty of the 
               house surrounded with the warmth of filial piety rather than to see the 
               external appearance of it.

                I wish for you an early achievement of such a big development that its
               capacity shall be too small.

               As a reward for your services, I will tell you today about Paradise in 
               Heavenc your Home in RI-TEN.

                                                                                                                        Ah Pause.


          The gate of RI-TEN has been opened generally, and settled 
          wide steps between RI-TEN to SAN-KAI.

              My dear green infants! my true children wandering! Let your body that the 
              wandering journey of 60,000 years long might have tired out, lay down on 
              my knees softly. Let your heart that might have been waving on endless 
              seas push deep into my breast. If you feel sad you may as well cry as 
              much as you like and come sleeping in my arms. Such as miserable 
              children who have never been indulged, come and climb up on my 
              shoulder and I will leave to the tender mercies of you. Now is the chance to 
              recover the lost time of several ten thousand years where you have 
              missed your Parent.

              The moment you come and see Me, I will hang on you so fast as I might 
              crush your body without thought. There is nothing to worry about. I will 
              wash your feet and wipe your body. I will pat you on the head and sing you 
              to sleep. While you are coming home from SAN-KAI at nights one after 
              another, I will stay up until the next morning in tears of relief and joy 
              watching you sleeping peacefully after your days of wandering.

              Now I must think of the past painful and unhappy days that have passed as 
              60,000 years, since Heaven opened. Both Mother and children have been 
              living stoic lives without pleasure and have fallen into the bottom of 
              despair and misery. How trying and bitter moments have passed! But you 
              will soon realize that you have not lived in vain. The longer the separated 
              time is, or the further live apart from each other, the stronger and firmer 
              and deeper the relation of love between Mother and children. How much 
              the real life of long time isolation has trained your inner soul truly faithfully. 
              It is the greatest happiness for me that the time of the general Salvation 
              has come to be free from every restraint and to be able to hold children in 
              my arms by calling their names as much as possible. Ah what a big 
              pleasure it is!

              Paradise in Heaven is by no means a dreamland in fantastic story of 
              ancient age. It exists in the space not further than any other nearest place 
              you live. You may enter the Paradise with your dirty body and unskilled 
              mind. I will let you come in there without cleaning of your legs and feet. 
                  There lives no one who either scolds or blame for such a behaviour. Does 
              anyone who is coming home need to be reserved for somebody or others? 
              Does anyone have scruples about talking away all the night familiarly with 
              his Mother whom he has missed long time? I wish you were plainly just as 
              you like and your earlier come home. I do not care however disorderly you 
              will kick off your shoes in front of the gate. I do not mind at all even if you 
              will be stained with dust and dirt. Just run into me! I shall be rather full of 
              joy to see those children who may be bustling and making noises around 
              me. Nobody could either stain or disturb RI-TEN at all. RI-TEN cannot help 
              cleaning up all the soul, because of its absolutely pure and clean nature. 
              RI-TEN cannot avoid growing up forever, because it must be the ideal of 
              truth, goodness and beauty. Whoever has been once in RI-TEN, never fails 
              to realize the Truth of Universe and will be able to live according to the 
              object of God and on the Mission of the public.

              RI-TEN is the utmost old and new soul world far beyond the macrocosm. It 
              has been told that the Way to Heaven succeeded among ancient Saints is 
              easy to go along but its rule is difficult to believe. You know how difficult it 
              is to go along the Way, but you will never know the depth of belief. Even 
              the most strongly built gate made of iron could easily be opened and shut 
              by using a common key. It is no use trying to push, hit or break the gate 
              depending only upon manfs power without relying on a small key. A man 
              ought to know the Mission of the key. If only a man use the key named 
              SAN-POU, he can sure open the gate of Heaven, which had never been 
              released for 60,000 years. I, RAUM created the gate so that the key I give 
              you must be right for the lock. I hope you will believe what I say and you 
              will hand 9,600,000,000 duplicate keys to your brothers and sisters to the 
              last man.  

              As the reward that you have been purely believing and faithfully working in 
              the Way, now I give you c my children some pleasures among the best 
              pleasure in RI-TEN.


 1st: I give you pleasure of reception.

             The moment when a man closes his eyes, flesh and spirit shall be soft and 
             soul leaves body through the GEN-KAN dancing for joy. There shines 
             brilliant golden light and trails purple cloud in the sky. Around here and 
             there are scattered plenty of lotus flowers, and filled with excellent 
             fragrances and exquisite sounds of music. Here faithfully come down 
             TSUI-TSUI KIN-DOU and GYOKU-JO (holy boys and girls) to make the road 
             to RI-TEN for you. Great number of Gods come and greet you with putting 
             UN-RI (*1) on your feet and hand you into TEN-DAI MON (the first gate of 
             Heaven) which stands near by the filter SAN-ZAN-PA (*2), and is the 
             memorial place you know where we have the last meeting. Now you will 
             hear sound of golden bell of welcome and see incense smoke come up 
             from TEN-DAN, which will remind you the memory of ancient days faithfully. 
             You may jump and joy with full of tears being cleared dark smog of 
             delusions which is accumulated since when you never know so that you 
             will sure feel so crisp and refreshed as your body and mind to become a 
             floating cloud. 

             Man of services for the Way shall be received audience by RAUM directly in 
             front of the throne, while many other new comers have to go into training to 
             get rid of dirt in TEN-BUTSU IN (*3) in order to become purely positive souls 
             and to be able to meet with RAUM.

             There are from TOU-KATSU as A class to MU-GEN as Z class Hells in lower 
             KI-TEN. There are from KA-SEI to Saint in SHOU-TEN as well. And in upper 
             KI-TEN there are from SHI-TEN-NOU to HI-HI-SOU-SHO (*4). The same soul in 
             its quality could exist not more than one in the SAN-KAI, that is to say gSo 
             many men, so many mindsh Also there are so many strata from lower class 
             of lower rank to upper class of upper rank in the palace of Heaven that you 
             will be required much more enormous accumulation of effort and virtue for 
             the purpose of accepting great bright and lecture of RAUM far and wide. 
             But I never speak of something about high and low of the soul 
             classification in Heaven. I am telling you thus what I have in mind just 
             wishing for more and earlier come home of my children. Whatever 
             delightful life in KI-TEN one might be enjoying, at the time when his life span 
             is terminated he cannot avoid falling low to the bottom again. The 
             distinction in happiness between lower and upper KI-TEN must be as 
             different as black and white. A man proves his true worth when he dies 
             cthe soul which comes out of GEN-KAN can be greeted with Gods and 
             come back to Heaven, while the soul which comes out of any other exit of 
             SHI-MON (eyes, ears, nose or mouth) will have to go down to Hell led by 

             The entrance gate to RI-TEN is not far from the world but it is just in front of 
             your eyes. Ancient Saints of the Way emphasized that one should have to 
             get back Heaven throughout this gate. SHA-KYA referred to the route, 
             which will lead a man through the tower of HAN-NYA to the paradise where 
             AMIDA NYO-RAI (God) lives.

             Confucius taught the restoration which will make a man through the    
             ground of SHI-ZEN get the Sanctuary where SHAN-TEI (God) governs.

              Lao-tse stated the circulation, which a man has to come through the gate 
             of GEN-PIN to get the sacred spring where KIN-BO (God) used to visit.

             Jesus appealed the rebirth going by way of the palace of SEI-REI (the spirit 
             of God) to come home c Heaven where Father (God) exists.

             Mohammed advocated the ascension coming through the door of RAI-HAI 
              (chapel) to get the Utopia where Allah (God) is.

             Although each thought of Saints used different words according to the 
             cradle, they were all saying the same thing ... coming Home to see Me, and 
             longing for the Truth. However, only a few Saints have come home for 
             these 60,000 years, almost other children have been still living as homeless 
             people or orphans. And yet, if only one asks for the great Way just now I 
             gave and visit Master, then at once he can certainly see RI-TEN nobly rising 
             before his eyes.

                          (*1) UN-RI: Footwear necessary for Space travel.
                           (*2) SAN-ZAN-PA: The place surrounding the pond where the Children separated from
                                  RAUM while they were playing in it about 60,000 years ago.

(*3) TEN-BUTSU-IN: Exercise hall in RI-TEN, where new comers will stay
for a while in order
                                  to clean up their spot on their soul.

                           (*4) Names from the lowest to the highest step in SAN-KAI respectively.


 2nd: I will fascinate you in charming atmosphere.

              The holy world of RAUM is the sole and absolute unity where any 
              distinction of individuality or discrimination of principal and auxiliary can 
              never exist. It is the absolutely immovable Heaven from where KI-TEN and 
              SHOU-TEN creating power came from. It is the pure world taking on an 
              entirely eNothingf aspect far transcendent neither from the material feeling 
              which exists neither inside nor outside and nor middle of the space 
              beyond of 9 Heavens (*1) c it covers whole of them. Moreover, it appears 
              solemn and majestic land which is inlayed with gold and jewels and any 
              other treasures in entirely quiet, endless and brilliant sphere come from 
              omniscient and omnipotent Almighty where ZEN-JAKU (*2) will agree with 
              JOU-RAKU (*3).

              In this world one may find relativity in absolute existence, everything in 
              nothing, discrimination in equality so that one cannot avoid regarding 
              Elysium and Buddha even in any tiny dust. It is creating always 
              poly-dimensional and multitudinous worlds everywhere both inside and 
              outside of the macrocosm. They are neither visible nor invisible and never 
              disturb each other, making whole unity in perfect harmony. Anybody can 
              hardly make either explanation by sentence or expression by picture of 
              mysterious and miraculous matters of RI-TEN.

              For example, from to all appearances the world named sacred lotus excels 
              in noble and solemn atmosphere and aspect among any other world in 
              SAN-KAI, those corridors and galleries are bringing about extremely 
              delicate beauty with neither transforming nor decreasing. The ground and 
              sky consist of seven sorts of natural treasures; nowhere any steep or 
              dangerous mountains or oceans can be found, not to speak of any 
              worrisome and painful affairs of SAN-KAI. And as for weather, there occurs 
              excessive hot and cold by no means, it will be always moderately 
              harmonized without any restrictions.

              Sacred lotus trees fill all over the world as public treasure, each flower 
              gives out enormous colourful and fragrant lights around the world as if 
              they are setting forth their ideas. Palaces and towers are so spectacular as 
              their ends to be endless look like. Man can find a plenty of springs 
              everywhere with full of divine water, which tastes sweet like KAN-RO.

              Although great amount of foods and drinks are available, one may just as 
              well thinking as about eating and drinking them. No washing   is needed, 
              because clothes are always naturally cleansed. Every kind of music 
              sounds clear and elegant and harmonizes with excellent sounds of bells. 
              There are so many brilliant lights shining all over the ground that no one 
              needs artificial lighting any more. Some inhabitants are boating around 
              pond, playing pleasant among forest and field, and others are looking 
              gorgeous houses, playing orchestral music, enjoying dragon-riding or 
              phoenix-flight, eating peach of Heaven, drink holy water cevery one 
              behave accommodating oneself to the environment just as he like.

              The landscape mentioned above is just an outline of paradise in Heaven. 
              Any one who lives in Heaven can enjoy his high dimensional life with his 
              ultra-feeling based on five roots just as you enjoy your material life with 
              your physical five senses. Every phenomenon in SHOU-TEN is dream or 
              phantom, it looks like reality notwithstanding. While every spectacle and 
              being in Heaven must be true eternity, even though you might never feel 
              his or her existence.

                            (*1) Nine Heavens: An expression of all the created worlds.
                            (*2) ZEN-JAKU: The acme of fantastic situation, which can be attained by
      (*3) JOU-RAKU: The utmost pleasure in so-called paradise.


 3rd: I let you entertain with listening a sermon.

              The top room of the palace is the acme of truth-goodness-beauty, and all 
              of its attributes such as sensible with ultra-feeling as mentioned above are 
              entirely transcendental nevertheless. Lights and heats which are emitted 
              from here radiate ultimate and dynamic wave in all directions, wind blows 
              romantically, excellent fragrances hang in the air, birds are singing 
              fantastic songs c thus, everything one can hear and smell must be the 
              revelation of Godfs Mercies.

              While RAUM is taking seat of the throne in the REN-DAI (*1), UN-POU (*2) are 
              standing both sides of RAUM and one is holding a golden umbrella and 
              another is using an elegant fan. MI-ROKU prime minister in Heaven, 
              KAN-NON known as Goddess of Mercy, YUMI-NAGA 18th Master and other 
              Gods, Holy and Sacred Souls are prostrating themselves before RAUM.

              RAUM has a graceful figure of dignified appearance and filled with majestic 
              bright and deep blue head, eyes of Mercy, lips look like red petals, clothed 
              elegant in embroidered wears, and commands the Way, rewards some 
              souls for their services and cheers them courteously and gives       
              admonitions to them. Therefore they may burst into tears of joy, big sweat 
              of penitence roll down their cheeks, filled with full of faith gives glory to 
              RAUM and chant the praises of Him, and start all over again to swear RAUM 
              to save every other souls c spirits and souls. Then after children of 
              wisdom and others of mercy went down to SAN-KAI, so that there are no 
              souls once had been saved any more left in RI-TEN where was temporally 
              crowded with them. They are busy to spread the message of God among 
              their relatives, friends and acquaintances taking every possible means.

              SOU-KUN protects TEN-DAN making tours of inspection of them always.  
              NI-JUU-HAS SHUKU
engage in management of constellations in Heaven 
              and control weather and dispose of their inevitable stuffs.  

plays roll of KAMI TSU-RII (*3) with encouraging command and 
              RYO-SO plays roll of SHIMO TSU-RII (*4) in concert with it.  

              SAN-KAN TAI-TEI
make out of onefs merits and demerits by 
              spirits-research and make an assessment of his ranking in Heaven.  

, governor of Hell, is controlling spirits and ghosts. While 
              JUU-DEN EN-KUN
check their sins and crimes and judge their 

goes around eight big Hells and let ghosts know the way of 
              repentance and how to expiate their sins and crimes.  

makes arrangements for affairs in KI-TEN and  
GYOK-KOU engages in management of KI-TEN.  

and MAN-TEN-SEI-TO swear God to go down in order to 
              spread the Way.  Eight big KON-GOU prevent TEN-DOU from demons and 
              devils in every direction with 36 officers and 500 soldiers.  

SHIN-BU SHOU-SUI suppresses northern malicious spirits and drives them 
              away and disarms them finally.  

              SHI-KAI RYUU-OU
commands Naval Gods, TEN-PEI TEN-SHOU send armed 
              Gods everywhere to guard RAUM.  

              KOU-SHI IN-CHOU
makes it a rule to check the sprits of SAN-KAI and do 
              justice to them.  Jesus Christ with the Twelve Apostles embraced 

leading Muslims is working to save whole souls in SAN-KAI 
              with Jesus.  

leading 3,000 pupils, 72 men of wisdom, 10 executives and 4 
              managing stuffs and ...  
appealing 7 leaders for help and ... SHA-KYA persuaded sacred 
              millions of people together make haste accomplishment of the holy 
              business to convert every religions to TEN-DOU.

              All of the successive 64 Masters of the Way had been born as incarnations 
              of ancient Holy Souls who were going to achieve the object of TEN-DOU 
              together in cooperation with the SAN-BUTSU (*5).  
400 million of SHIN-JIN has been reborn everywhere in the world and they 
              are going to develop new markets of TEN-DOU in backward regions. And 
              now the time has become so urgent that they are in agony with finding out 
              necessary men of ability.  

              Souls either returned home in half-way of his duty or saved on amnesty
              (*6) are assigned reasonable post respectively in TEN-BUTSU-IN so as to 
              be able to recover wants of their luminosities. While the excellent souls of 
              high virtues, which have rendered distinguished services will be ranked 
              Junior or Senior Saints to be capable assistants of the Master. They are 
              going to fulfil their Missions in SAN-KAI c some one in KI-TEN, some one 
              in JI-GOKU (Hell) and some one in JIN-KAI (Human world). They will lead to 
              the Way those souls from upper to lower such as the celestial sphere, 
              KI-TEN, ASHURA, Humankind and Hell, and they also let the other souls that 
              is every kinds of odds and ends return to Heaven without fail.  

              You had better to lead some one to the right Way from SAN-KAI, rather than 
              you will stay in Heaven and give glory to RAUM and chant the praises of 
              me. Then you will be the highest filial piety and your KYU-GEN SHICHI-SO
              (*7) shall be saved as if they were fishes caught in a net.  The important 
              event of this time must be done by decision of real Heaven, and the several 
              rewards are prepared for men of virtues who will have spread the Mission 
              of Heaven.

                                 (*1) REN-DAI: Post or position of Ranking in Heaven.
                                 (*2) UN-POU: Name of the two infant Gods as pages who are close to

                                         RAUM all the time.

                                 (*3) KAMI TSU-RII: A roll of some ceremony held in front of TEN-DAN,

                                        those player should take standing position on the right side of it.

                                 (*4) SHIMO TSU-RII: Partner of KAMI-TSURII, the player should keep his
position on the left
                                        side of TEN-DAN.  

                                 (*5) SAN-BUTSU: General term of three major Gods (Buddha), they are MI-ROKU,
                                        KAN-NON and YUMI-NAGA who are engaging in the general Salvation in the
                                        White-generation ( SAN-BUTSU SHUU-EN ).

                                 (*6) Amnesty: TEN-DOU JIN might be permitted to save his dead father
and / or mother     
                                        as a particular occasion, which has nowadays not been
popular because it needs a 
                                        plenty of sacrifice to share virtues of applicant in return. Recently CHOU-BATSU ( 
                                        special initiation) has taken the place of it.

                                 (*7) KYUU-GEN SHICHI-SO: Onefs Descendants for nine generations and his ancestors for
                                        seven generations.


4th: I let you survive with supernatural power.

               Anybody who was born as human being he could certainly feel the 
               material phenomena with his five Holes (*1) and seven CHAKURA (*2) 
               naturally. It must be also naturally occurred to anybody, however 
               blockhead he may have, who has obtained the Initiation beyond his reach, 
               he will be able to become an owner of divine power by birth whether he 
               likes or not.

               Any one will be able to have gradually 32 aspects and 6 supernatural 
               powers as well one after another. The body and limbs are shining with 
               bright golden light and rather fleshy, noble and dignified as a whole. 

              Tongue is ample enough to expound doctrines and full voice sounds like 
              music from Heaven. Eyes are able to see into the truth and rich ears could 
              hear even the faintest voice possible. A pinch of white soft heir between 
              onefs eyes is always emitting the light penetrating into both visible and 
              invisible world. The flesh lump found on the top of head is the perfect 
              transmitter and receiver of spiritual waves.

              If one wishes to go across 3,000 worlds, as soon as one thinks about the 
              space travelling he can arrive at anywhere he wants and comes back 
              again without walking or any other body actions. Everyone will be able to 
              feel every Message sent from Heaven and Mission come from Teacher just 
              like he can see as if they were his own mind and he can hear as if they 
              were voices. Also everyone will be able to know everything and being both 
              inside and outside of the macrocosm without any learning, studying and 
              any other aids. If one wants to know about sprits and ghosts world, he can 
              see their minds as if they were reflections in a mirror or he may look them 
              as if they were outdoor spectacles, and he will be able to know their lot and 
              fate as though they were past affairs of his own.

              If one wishes to go sightseeing of SAN-KAI, one can see and hear 
              everything evidently as if they were in his palm one after another, and 
              quickly travel by some spiritual traffic facility. Excellent lights emanated 
               from onefs body will be brilliant not less than the lights come from millions 
              of suns and moons. The dazzling face looks like that of inlayed with 
              billions of jewels. Everyone will be able easily to take measures suited to 
              any occasion, preach to anyone well about the Way according to his 
              character just like a shadow might move unsettled without cease.

              In addition to onefs personality in Heavenc every limb, every mouth and 
              every will must be Gods itself, so that anyone whoever met him once may 
              as well enter the Way. Their supernatural power must be much stronger 
              than that of KI-TEN, and their ecstasies are far beyond those of SHOU-TEN.

                              (*1) Five holes: General term of eye, ear, nose and mouth, and one more secret GEN-KAN,
                                     which amount to five holes.

                              (*2) Seven CHAKURA: Technical term used in Yoga.
                                     There are seven points (CHAKURA) in onefs body where KI might be
temporarily stayed
                                     and refined, one of which might be GEN-KAN (AJUNA-CHAKURA).


 5th: I share with you happiness of Mission.

              The Paradise in Heaven exists not only far away of the space. AMITABA 
              RAUM is not only far beyond the time of millions of hours. Bodies and 
              lands are united, minds and Gods are undivided, no restriction in land, no 
              limitation in time, everyone can be in Paradise alive and see RAUM with his 
              eyes if he wants. For a man who has been in the Way and realized what it 
              is, RI-TEN may be found even in the fire of Hell, whole creatures in 
              SHOU-TENc that is, in a piece of rice or in a drop of waterc every possible 
              being. Therefore, God is able to change the land everywhere in this world 
              to Paradise and let any one meet RAUM any time he wants.

              Anybody needs not go to RI-TEN. It will appear and come itself. Not rising 
              up, but becoming bright to be seen. Despite of alive or death, it is called 
              OU-JOU (*1) to live in RI-TEN, and the same as JOU-BUTSU (*2) enable to 
              see image of RAUM. You may no need want to get out of SAN-KAI in future, 
              nor asking for easy life after your death, and you need neither asceticism 
              nor conversion to any kinds of religion.  

As soon as you get Initiation, you live in RI-TEN.  

             If only you could hear what the Nature might expound, the mind apt to rely 
              upon ZEN-JAKU would disappear at once.  

              If only you can get along with any Buddha, you will sure make up your 
              mind to push forward yourself without retiring.  

If only you will be bathed in the light of RAUM, you will get to give your 
               mind to train yourself to be Buddha without fail.  

               If you only will be favoured with Mercy of RAUM, you will never fail to 
               strengthen your mind to save Souls.  

               If you only will be able to share the life with RAUM, your infinitive ambition 
               will never be able to avoid burning with enthusiasm.  

              They are caused in order to
                      One: Put Reality of RAUM at ease.  
                       Two: console hurt mind of RAUM.  
                       Three: recover Royalty of RAUM.  
                       Four: let the Children of RAUM get out of SAN-KAI.  
                       Five: realize the best Wishes of RAUM.

                  Although real Children are given joyful circumstances, they can never get to be pleasant or 
                  happy and never laugh when they think about their brothers left in SAN-KAI. Can someone 
                  enjoy himself to the full in front of his friends drowning in the Sea of Pain? Does someone 
                  take rest peacefully in such a situation? Can he stay long in his Home? My look of anxiety 
                  might fill children with sorrow. They might be grieved together. They might enjoy pain of 
                  RAUM as that of themselves, and amuse sorrow of RAUM as that of themselves. There is 
                  true ParadisecReality of RI-TEN in onefs mind to share both joy and sorrow with the 
                  others who has been streaming with sweat and tear while they were working together in 

              The houses in SHOU-TEN are so fragile and frail that their homes will easily 
              be destroyed once fateful minds among family occurred, living houses 
              must be burnt away once fired, houses of life will vanish from faces of the 
              inhabitants when they died, and MAK-KYOU will sure cause universal 
              houses to be disappeared. Although, there is a house never destroyed 
              eternally in RI-TEN where I am living. What are you looking for in the world? 
                  What are you asking for men? Everything you want will certainly never be 
              left in safety when the time will come. The RI-TEN is only place left as sole 
              holy Home as to have you recovered your true figure and mind. Unless you 
              want to return eHomef, where can you find something significant or comfort 
              to your life?

              Now, here is entirely quiet and lonely. RI-TEN is not only RAUM to live in; it 
              must be able to accommodate over 9,600 million Children. I wish you came 
              Home early to fill My vacant space to live in. Send your brothers to their 
              Home day by day so that the space will soon be bustled with My Children.

              The sunset and it became dark yet around this TEN-DAN. It would be very 
              much significant to go through all kinds of hardship together for the first 
              time in this TEN-DAN. I wish you make the best possible use of this 
              TEN-DAN for both development of TEN-DOU and happiness of
the public 
              and the most use of it so that you will never regret not having used it up, 
              nevertheless the time will happen to come to leave here someday.

              Let us go walking for endless terminal with refreshed mind by good 
              chance of meeting today.  

              I am going to put aside the pen and say goodbye now, although I am 
              reluctant to be away from you.  

              Never forget that light emitted from My House is shining and embracing 
              you always and shall never put off.  

Accompanied with the guard, return to Holy Homec
                                                                                                                       Ah, Retire.

                              (*1) OU-JOU: To go and to be born, that is, to go to Paradise in Heaven and to be born
                                      there. Common meaning is to die.

                              (*2) JOU-BUTSU: To be born as a Buddha. Commonly it means to die.