

                                                       Gods' Messagaes for Missionary  


             Although our physical bodies are going to die and ruin some day, but 
             souls are immortal nevertheless. Now owing some invisible legacies to 
             our ancestors, we have been saved so perfectly that we could have got 
             the ticket to return Home where the real parent of our souls

             RAUM is waiting.
             The very fact you could have met with TEN-DOU would prove that you 
             must have deeper relationship to the Way than common people and 
             your ancestors might have higher virtues than others. You must have 
             been selected owing to the virtues of your ancestors. We hope you will 
             become aware of this fact so that you will release the public from 
             shackles of their life and death reincarnation, and as the result, you will 
             be able to accumulate the exquisite merits as much as possible.

            The eInitiation into the right Law in TEN-DOUf and its introduction to the 
            public should be the base of edecrease of sins and increase of meritsf c  
            etrue memorial service for the ancestors and prosperity of the 
            descendantsf. Therefore, we wish you would make your mind and wish 
             just same those of RAUM and faithfully worship RAUM so that you will 
             be able to make your belief much deeper, and you will do your best to 
             train yourself in the Way, making use of this good opportunity, being 
            stimulated by it.

            TEN-DOU is the very Way to live in Truth, and to which is absolutely 
            worthy to devout onefs life. You can never fail to seize sincerely hold of 
            either what you want to know and what you have to know through the 
            direct messages often sent from Gods. We have selected some holy 
            messages, which have been said to be worth reading as resources of 
            Missionary work out of them, and published this series such as gGodsf 
            Messages for the Missionariesh which are expected to be the guiding 
            principles or paragons in your life taking this good opportunity.

            Not-with-standing a limited pages, here we have edited 8 Messages as 
            gGodsf Messages for the Missionaries (1) primer handbook for the 
            Missionariesh. The Messages are sent from RAUM, MI-ROKU SO-SHI, 
            ON-SHI YUMI-NAGA, KAN-SEI TEI-KUN and EN-MA the king of Hell, which 
            are making clear the origin of general Salvation by hands of three 
            Buddha, and the flow of the ages from end of the world, age of chaos 
            caused by the exterminating catastrophe to the birth of new world of 
            brilliant paradise, so that we need to spread of the Godsf Message all 
            over the world rapidly. This edition must be the greatest prophecy in 
            this century.

A letter from Home c
        This is a letter sent from RAUM. It was sent when RAUM was going to 
            release TEN-DOU among the public first using HI-RAN SEN-KA 
            (SHA-BAN: unique communication system using designated mechanism 
            between Gods and Humankind) talking about the fact to the last detail 
            that our souls had parted from RAUM at eSAN-ZAN PAf in RI-TEN about 
            60,000 years ago. The letter is filled with such as merciful phrases 
            thinking of us Children that no one could read without tears. We were 
            told that all of the participants had burst into tears when the letter was 
            displayed in SHA-BAN one word after another.

            Original letter was written in a style of Chinese poem composed of 
            seven and ten phrases, which was translated into Japanese early and 
            the English translation have been tried again from it.

Thirteen lamentations of RAUM c

        This is an explanation of the basic concepts of TEN-DOU on the pretext 
            of eThirteen lamentationsf which RAUM used to sigh out those people 
            who have nothing to do with the Way and those people who forgot to 
            worship Heaven or train themselves in the Way, nevertheless they have 
            been initiated into it.

The history of the General Salvation by hands of three Buddha c 

This is an expression of the great mercies of RAUM to inform us that the 
            big revolution for the saving system has been made in Heaven.
            Message was sent from MI-ROKU SO-SHI who must have wished to 
            make us realize the changes of generation and called our attention to 
            cope with new situation sincerely.

A story about the Paradise in Heaven c

            This is a holy Message sent from RAUM, which expresses and explains 
            the aspects of the Paradise in RI-TEN according to several phases to 
            the last detail kindly. RAUM opened a Secret of Heaven since the 
            Creation to the public, so that we could have made our belief deeper to 
            know about the world where we could live after come Home.

A story about the Hell c

            Both the name of Hell and the king of Hell have been considered as a 
            sort of fiction for ages, especially in modern generation of scientific and  
            material civilization they are regarded as nothing but a vain superstition 
            look like. Nevertheless we can not help surprising to know that the law 
            of causality have never fail to be applied precisely everywhere in the 
            This Message expresses the grim realities of causalities so evidently as 
            to be said a treasury of useful information anyone could easily 

A letter for the Missionaries sent from RAUM c

            RAUM appealed the urgent necessity to spread the Way throughout this 
            letter from which we could not avoid feeling the real mercy of RAUM to 
            have opened the Way for the sake of souls.

MAK-KYOU as it will be c 

              This letter shall be said a minute prophecy for the future which 
            describes in detail the miserable scene caused by the accumulated sins 
            and crimes of humankind. As general prophecies never tell the method 
            to be saved from any disasters nevertheless they might foretell their 
            coming, so that people will be able to do nothing but waiting for the 
            catastrophe coming in amazement. On the other side, TEN-DOU give 
            anyone the Law of Salvation free from the inevitable biggest disaster, 
            besides it might as well disappear it as avoid it beforehand according to 
            our activities. Indeed, it must be the most tremendously terrible letter of 

Celebration of HAKU-YOU c

           This letter shows us that after MAK-KYOU there will never fail to follow a 
            prosperous holy Paradise on the ground, which will last for ten 
            thousand and eight hundred years long. Now we have finished the 
            introduction of profiles of the following eight holy Messages. Here we 
            are expecting that you will understand the intention of this publishing,     
            realize the real significance of the general Salvation of TEN-DOU and 
            you will believe in the Way deeply more than ever.