Talking about TEN-DOU from viewpoint of philosophy. |
by YUMI-NAGA TEN-NEN KO-BUTSU (Dec. 14, 1980)
prologue and epilogue shall be omitted)
TEN-DOU must be the essence of the macrocosms and the source of human mind.
It came from “Nothing” and will go to “Eternity”.
is the reason to yield everything, the Heaven from where every soul
came and
the origin
of all the religions.
It had
been already before the heaven separated from the earth, and it will still exist
after the
humankind shall be perished.
macrocosm is always together with TEN-DOU, no macrocosm without the Way.
public can afford to live together with TEN-DOU, no TEN-DOU without the public
Therefore, the great Way began with the appearance of
the public souls, makes it
the Mission to save them and makes it the endless termination
to improve itself.
TEN-DOU reveals the truth.
The truth (RI) is the root or the pith
and marrow, that is, the substance. The energy (KI)
is the branch or the bone, that is, the potency. The phenomenon (SHOU)
is the leaf or
skin, that is, the surface.
The worldly studies are used to stick to something visible and adhere to the
so that they shall be carried away into the terminals. However hard a man
might learn
the terminal studies, he could hardly meet with their source. Whatever
sciences such as studies of “KI-KOU HOU (*1)”, “Astrology”, “Fatalism”
or dogma of
some religion a man might master, he could seldom get out of the
shackles of
reincarnation, because they should give him nothing but the technology of some
relative circulation of energies
at best.
The principle based upon the reason of Heaven should belong to the nature’s
so that it would have to involve the authorized law which enable the soul to
restored to its original state, that is, the public to return their Home. Anybody shall be
initiated into it and spread it in order to enter the exquisite real world.
TEN-DOU informs of RAUM
Anyone ought to have faith
in RAUM, as the parent Soul of the public. Anyone has to
worship Gods, as the seniors in the Way.
Anyone should feel pity for the
public, as his family at home. Those people who
been drowned into SHI-SHOU (*2) or carried away into
ROKU-DOU (*3), cannot avoid
relying upon DOU-SHIN (*4) otherwise they
will find no means to be saved. They
should have to b your brothers, parents or children once without exception.
Whoever earns divine merits can become a god,
while anyone who commits sins
cannot avoid becoming a devil. SHA-KYA and Jesus have
the same origin, so have the
devils and ghosts the common roots.
SHUN (*5), who is he? Anyone should do
his best to devote himself to the Way in
imitation of the ancient Saint.
RAUM is the whole Soul, the God of Gods, which any
souls came from and return to.
The names such as “A-MI-DA”, “Jehovah” and “SHAN-TEI” would be
given to unique
God, RAUM.
RAUM is the name revealed by the God
himself. RAUM is the real sovereign of all the
souls, that is, the unique Saviour of them.
TEN-DOU makes eternal
history in succession.
The history of the Way must be the divine politics
carrying through the longitude of the
and the latitude of the earth. The history of
any religion must be nothing but a
history of some denominations.
The blood should be the family tree.
People shall be classified into rich and poor,
shared the native land east, west, south and north, distinguished
between colours and
discriminated between languages.
People should know that the accumulated divine merits of the ancestors would
fail to be inherited by their antecedents successively. If a man would
earn some divine
merits, they should sure emit the light later without fail.
There is no discrimination
between the ancestors and the antecedents; they must
have come from the same
source, so that a man might just as well save his family
as he saves them all.
has been two or three thousand years since the original religions had been
but in these days they could have hardly sustained their original
authorities any
longer, so that they have been divided or segmented into 84000
factions in 3600
sectors of newly risen religions, which would have been so
particular about trifles
endlessly as to bleed and butcher to the bone each
other. What a pity to hear of the
facts! People should think of the Doomsday
coming at last.
Notwithstanding TEN-DOU shall be able to keep the
succession of the Mission
endlessly without both beginning and ending, and
reveal the new Paradise of 10800
years succeeded to the 5000 yeas lasted
authority of DOU-BAN (*6) in the control of
TEN-BAN (*7) no less than 60000
years long. Anybody who would admit the fact could
become a guard of the Law.
The very DOU-TOU (the succession of the Way) is the right
history in the world
and in the macrocosm.
TEN-DOU bestows the Mission.
(the Mission or the Command of God, RAUM) shows the sign of the
miraculous efficacy absolutely at any time.
While the mission based on a
religion has something to do with KAMI-SAN-DOU (*8)
and that of humankind has been affected by SHIMO-SAN-DOU (*9) all the
time. They
were used to exercise their authorities, struggle on account of their interests so
as to
create a lot of evil causalities each other. A great number of people have
corrupted by some worldly desires resulted from the causalities, which must have
been caused by some wicked ghosts. Even though a man might believe that he could
enjoy a happy life owing to
the gods belong to KAMI-SAN-DOU, which they would do
nothing but for their merits sake. Both
the former (the mission of religion) and the latter
(the mission of humankind) shall hardly reach
the stage of the correct Way, so far as
they would look for the divine grace and
power. Solely TEN-MEI could reveal the
absolute Salvation, transcended the law of causalities in
SAN-KAI (*10).
Anybody shall need to
neither select the place, nor accord with the time nor rely upon
another person. But people shall believe in only the
wonderworking of TEN-MEI.
TEN-DOU dispatches three Buddha.
MI-ROKU Buddha according to his promise reincarnated
as a man for the third time in
order to pick up the souls of 9.6 (*11) to be invited to RYUU-GE party in
his HO-TEI (*12).
The Heaven time had scarcely proceeded to meet with the White-generation before he
was born.
KAN-NON Buddha (the Goddess of Mercy) has been reincarnated as neither a
nor a Buddhist scripture, neither an image nor a picture of Buddha,
nothing but a
pioneer of the Salvation. KAN-NON should never have revealed herself for private
convenience sake but she was used to appear in public mercifully for the sake of the
I (YUMI-NAGA) have become the general Master or Saviour endowed the
Mission of
the general Salvation and the Unification of all the religions. I shall
accompany the
public to the way of penance to spread TEN-DOU for 10800 years as teacher and pupil.
You should become my pupil to be shoulders and legs to support me as sooner as
TEN-DOU enables people to save souls.
The Salvation means
to save the original souls. The relief means to deliver the mind.
The rescue means to mend the physical body. Even though a man
might cure
someone else of disease using such medical cares as plastic surgery, diet cure,
acupuncture, medicine or other healing art, any provisional body could seldom live
longer than 100 years at best. It is no use crying over one’s early death, if it were not
for a sound soul in one’s sound body nevertheless.
However hard a man might practice for his
mind disciplining’s sake ZA-ZEN (meditation
of an oriental style), MEI-SOU (so-called meditation of any kinds),
NEN-BUTSU (reciting
of some Sutra), KOU-KYOU (lecturing of some scripture) or some other
austerities so as to obtain his spiritual comfort, he could merely
sympathize with
KI-TEN (*13) and hardly leap over the hurdles of RIN-NE (*14). From ancient times, no
Buddha have
ever cleared the hurdles without the redemption of GO-TOKU JOU-DOU,
BETSU-DEN (*15).
If only a man could be initiated into SHOU-HOU GEN-ZOU (*16), he
should have to get
the right to return Home without fail.
GEN-KAN is the authorized gate through which any soul
could get the Way to return to
its birthplace (RI-TEN). TAN-DEN (*17) is the sanctuary for the sake of
disciplining of
both body and mind. SHI-MON (4 doors through which soul and spirit might come out
of body; that is, eye, year, nose and mouth) must be the BOU-MON (byway) or the exit
mentioned before.
Whoever might have made some evil causality with regard to any
sense of sight,
hearing, smell and taste (as well as speaking, which have something to do with
his soul and spirit should never fail to come out through SHI-MON so as to be suffered
from the pains of Hell.
Although a man could be full of vitality if only he would
discipline for himself faithfully in
concentration of his mind on SHIMO TAN-DEN (lower TAN-DEN), he
might be merely
sensitive to worldly desires, so that he could hardly be free from the shackles
reincarnation for ever, unless he could concentrate his soul on KAMI TAN-DEN (upper
The macrocosm goes around RI-TEN, any constellation circles around the North
the earth rotates on the Mt. SHU-MI (*18) and the saint has good circulation
of KI along
the line of connection start from GEN-KAN. Every things and beings have their
points without exception. If one might fail to control the centre, he should be
expelled from it.
If only a man could have his
GEN-MYOU-KAN (*19) opened, he should certainly be
familiar terms with Heaven.
TEN-DOU endows humankind with SAN-POU.
SAN-POU has the exquisite supernatural power. The
treasury of humankind is the
treasure house of the man of ability. The treasure of
the earth is the haunt of the
wickedness. The fame, profit, favour and affection must be the provisional treasures
or the false fortunes that would be the ruin of a man and corrupt his mind. Keep away
from them, or you
shall certainly have a baneful effect.
Heaven makes a man talk about
the Way. There is no more precious being than
Humankind as the lord of Creation. Look for a man of ability! Bring up a man of
SAN-POU is the treasure with little expense and
the light without compensation,
notwithstanding it will reveal the enormous divine power. It
will make a big disaster
change into small one, a small one into harmless one, so that you might as well
use of it in order to reduce the damage of the coming catastrophe.
TEN-DOU installs TEN-DAN.
TEN-DAN is the sacred place enables people in front of
it to be initiated into the Way in
the presence of Gods. Shrines or temples are relics of some religious
sightseeing. The
altars are provisional installations to be used for SENZO-KUYOU (*20).
household alter a man might install and however faithfully a man would worship the
idles in a family alter, any prayer could hardly be complied and any other
might come to naught. No matter how hard a man would feast his mind, he could never
make his own soul saved.
There are so many depraved monks and
corrupt priests thrived in the world that they
divert the source of revenues come from shrines, temples and churches to their
People may find only a few trainees looking for the Way and few men of wisdom in
world. Even the total power of all the temples in the world might be far inferior to that
a family TEN-DAN. The former would be help of the reincarnation, while the latter
should be help
of being free from its shackles.
TEN-DAN must be the paradise on the
earth and the Utopia as well. The
Waite-generation has already started from here.
TEN-DOU sends the Holy Messages.
The Holy Messages are
the real words written in Gods’ own hands. The Scriptures are
indirect wills done by Saints. The literatures are the worldly desires of
the public.
thoughts caused by such minds as SICHI-JOU ROKU-YOKU (*21) and
(*22) would corrupt the world easy and spoil one’s mind mighty. You
should neither write so as to spread any of them, nor read any so as to be moved as
keep it in your mind that the so-called divine words of sorcerer or sorceress must
be done by
some low-grade spirits, which would be so far different from the truth as to
be useful for the
disillusion. However great number of scriptures a man might read and
study, he would realize the truth by no means, no dogma could be help of his Home
The Holly Messages are the works done by Gods in RI-TEN for the sake of prove
truth, which would persuade people to be initiated in to TEN-DOU and to
spread it in
the world.
RAUM cries and talks about the love
and preaches the truth in tears. Neither gods nor
Buddha should never be moved and run away. How could it be allowed for a
man not
to move? Gods would give us so much favour as to make not
less than tenfold of
barricades in order to guard the souls to be initiated.
People should study the Holy
Messages through and through so as to realize their real
intentions. Be sensible of blood out of a writing pen so as to make
a reply to God.
TEN-DOU must be the law of nature
and the greatest love to the core. The public could
hardly be saved forever, unless they would rely upon TEN-DOU. It must be
be saved without TEN-DOU, just because the Way should be the body and the mind
the Creator RAUM itself.
The time is drawing near when the name of TEN-DOU would be pealed
out all over the
world. TEN-DOU would reveal its wonder-workings everywhere in the world.
Dear my pupil! You shall
reform yourself to stick to the Way as sooner as possible so
that you have to spread the great TEN-DOU in SAN-KAI. I wish, you should be
forerunner or the pioneer of the spreading TEN-DOU.
(The rest is omitted)
(*1) KI-KOU HOU: The general term of the art using “KI”, applied to medical
or martial
(*2) SHI-SHOU: 4 spiritual training paths prepared for the big 4
categories of inhuman
that is, animals, birds, fishes and insects or worms.
(*3) ROKU-DOU: 6 spiritual training courses (warps, if one could regard the 4
pats mentioned above as wefts); they are KI-TEN (in narrow sense), A-SHU-RA,
NIN-GEN (Human), CHIKU-SHOU (Inhuman), JI-GOKU (Hell) and GA-KI (Hungry
(*4) DOU-SHIN: A man or woman who is initiated into TEN-DOU.
(*5) SHUN: An emperor of ancient China, now he is a God in RI-TEN.
(*6) DOU-BAN: The ministry of TEN-DOU in RI-TEN, which belongs to (*7).
(*7) TEN-BAN: The General Head Quarter of the macrocosm in RI-TEN.
(*8) KAMI SAN-DOU: The upper 3 class of ROKU-DOU mentioned above (listed
according to their orders)
(*9) SHIMO SAN-DOU: The lower 3 classes of ROKU-DOU.
(*10) SAN-KAI: The big 3 world; KI-TEN (consists of KI-TEN in narrow sense and
A-SHU-RA), SHOU-TEN (this world… involves NIN-GEN and CHIKU-SHOU) and
JI-GOKU (consists
of JI-GOKU in narrow sense and GA-KI).
(*11) 9.6: Nevertheless this is the abbreviation of the number 9.6 billion, it
means the
infinity, for 9 stands for the odd numbers while 6 does for the even numbers, so that
9.6 (9 and
6) will represent all the number.
(*12) HO-TEI: One of the Chinese lucky 7 gods, who was told as the second
(*13) KI-TEN: The world of KI (in broad sense).
(*14) RIN-NE: Reincarnation of souls among SAN-KAI.
(*15) KYOU-GE BETSU-DEN: Another name of SAN-POU.
(*16) SHOU-HOU GEN-ZOU: Another name of GEN-KAN (one of SAN-POU).
(*17) TAN-DEN: A name of CHAKURA in Yoga; it locates down part of the navel.
(*18) Mt. SHU-MI: Legend has it that there was a holy mountain in the centre of
macrocosm named Mt. SHU-MI once upon a time.
(*19) GEN-MYOU-KAN: Another name of GEN-KAN.
(*20) SEN-ZO KU-YOU: The memorial service for ancestors’ sake.
(*21) SICHI-JOU ROKU-YOKU: 7 kinds of passions and 6 sorts of desires shall be
by some evil minds.
(*22) KI-DO-AI-RAKU: Unfavourable feelings; ecstasy, anger, sorrow and ease.