Visage of RAUM

                              (Tales of TEN-DOU 2)

A. One

           One, two, three, ten, hundred, thousand, million, and billion ... any number starts from 

           They cannot be composed of the number without One.

           The visage of RAUM is something like One.

           All the beings are born from RAUM.
           No beings could ever live without RAUM.

           A seed makes a shoot come out. A shoot grows up to be a stem, which will bear leaves 
           and flowers. Flowers bear fruits, and fruits go to seeds.
           RAUM must be something like a Seed.

           Every sort of beings ... sky, earth, forest, beast, the Galaxy and the Human ... say 
           good-bye RAUM and go into the world.

           Notwithstanding, at last they will come back again to RAUM vividly all together.

B. Birth and death

           What will be there after death?

           What were there before birth?

           Shall I come to End, when this lifetime will be due?

           No, I am afraid, I should have to remind of a lot of things.

           It seems to me the pure mind shall alive nevertheless it may be invisible.

           I wish I could meet with immortal myself (soul) in spite of my physical death.

           If only you could meet with immortal RAUM, you should be able to do so.

C. Mind

           I do not mind suffering from any pain, if only you could be eased.

           I do not mind losing anything, if only you would be happy.

           Even if someone might hit me, I will never return a blow.

           Even though someone scolds me, I will never be angered.

           Even if I might be deceived, I will never cheat others. 

           People make a fool of me, but I shall never mind it. 

           I shall feel better, and on the contrary, it may make my mind ease.

           I prefer my mind above all.

D. Promise

           Both the sun and the moon are never fail to rise at the stated time, and set from the 
           appointed place with greeting.

           Therefore anybody believes, loves and relies upon them.

           Are you still keeping your most important Promise?

           You must have promised with RAUM such as " I will do my best to study the Way and 
           spread it in the world "... must not you?

           Unless you will break the Promise, you shall be able to pour your warm light to painful 
           people and applauded like the sun from them.

           And they will adore and respect you like the moon, to cast a mild light to the dark 

E. Mercy


           The mind is sleeping at the bottom of your heart.

           Warm mind, tender mind, pretty mind, soft mind, and pure mind ...broad and deep mind.


           When we hear sound of the words, it will make our minds be peaceful, and just move us 
           to tears...

           We behave ourselves involuntarily...

           We wish we could be friends with everyone.

           The most excellent words of soul, which a number of Saints and the long history of the 
           Way has been breeding.


           When we hum the word, it seems to us that our bodies behave after Saint.

           We feel like our minds were serving about RAUM.

F. Angel

           I am an angel, a mission from Heaven.

           In accordance with the Command of RAUM, I have come here.

           RAUM said me, " You, a mission from Heaven, be a mission from Human as well ".

           I am going to do and study anything for the sake of the Way.

           Tell me and lead me anything ... So as to please RAUM with the word 

           "You have done a good job", when I shall return to Heaven. 

           I will do my best to keep and obey your words. 

           You shall scold me for my bad behaviors if any, I will improve them.

           You may keep silence as for the good one; I will never cease it.

           That will do.

           I shall be satisfied with it and sufficient for it, if only I could see a smile of RAUM, even 
           if I shall not be admired from others.

           Please, lead me, a poor infant. 

G. Ancestor

           I am afraid; if you know how many ancestors did it need to send you in the world.

           Begin with your parents, next the parents of them ... the number of ancestors will soon 
           be transcendent the population of not a country but the world, and amount to the total 
           number of whole stars contained in the endless macrocosm. 

           How much you have deepened your blood relation with your ancestors every time you 
           were reborn, and how much you have strengthened the connection with your relatives 
           every time you died in former lives ... might be countless.

           Therefore, it is not too much to say that all humankind is your ancestor. 

           From now, you had better not to regard others as others.

           Call them " father, mother " in your mind or you may whisper " brother, sister ".

           If you will ask someone for the Initiation with such mind, he must feel a yearning for 
           you and come along with you willingly.

H. Life

           However small worms they might be, they must have their father and mother.

           If both their father and mother were dead, how sorrow shall I be.

           If I shall be out of my parents' sight, how far my father and mother will look for me.

           Everybody, every being must carry precious and valuable lives.

           They should never neglect their lives.

           You should feel sorry for killing any living creatures.

           Therefore you could never think of eating them ... could you?

           Because their fathers may become sad ... may not they?

           And their mothers may burst into tears ... may not they?

           If we met the scene, both you and I must feel sad, sad, sad, sad, sad .........

I. Study

           I wish you were a child with a tender mind, even if you were not good at study ...

           I wish you would grow up an honest and healthy child ...will be such a thoughtful person 
           as to sympathize with miserable people in tears, or support poor people, however he 
           would be in distress or ridiculed from the others.

           And I wish you would grow up such a man of mercy that will feel both sorrow and 
           pleasure of others for his own. 

           I wish you would study so hard for the sake of neither yourself nor your parents that 
           people could be happy and the world would be filled with more bright light however a few 
           they might be.

           I wish you would do your best to tackle with the Truth of RAUM in order to give up the 
           know-how of either war nor conflict and cultivate the wisdom of both peace and 

J. Appeal

           We wish you could protect us.

           Children are ignorant and weak. They could be trained to behave, and would take 
           anything given from others without doubt.

           Please do not let us eat any flesh of our friends.

           We can neither buy eatables nor cook any eats by ourselves.

           We dare want to make neither our body be dirty nor our mind be filthy, so that you shall 
           take care not to let us eat unfavorable meal.
           We shall be able to be getting on quite well with pure vegetables.

           Please, do not leave us alone under unfavorable circumstances.

           Our minds are easily stained like white paper, and bodies move just like their images do 
           in mirror. 

           We wish you made us see no sinful behavior and hear no curse, but freely play in the 
           nature and learn about God.

           Forgive us to get the Law.

           Everyone has original relationship with others even if they were parents and their 
           children. Any brothers has virtues different from other's.

           Our souls are eager to get the Law. Allow us visit any TEN-DAN.

           Our Missions make us urge on it. Allow us get SAN-POU. 

           Please, agree to our appeals to spread the Way among people. 

           We have come down from Heaven in accordance with the Command of RAUM.

           We have selected the house and parents to come down in order to fulfill the duty of 

           God blesses our parents, both father and mother. 

           We owe the future of the Way.

           We have gotten the highest education.

           We have been dutiful to our parents.

           Please, congratulate the progresses of our invisible souls, and be proud of them. 

           Wherever we shall be, we shall always think of you and never forget about you.

           Therefore, allow us go into TEN-DOU, please. 

K. Sorrow

           "Oh RAUM, do not cry any more!".

           I will neither get into mischief nor play a trick any more.

           I will obey you and never trouble you.

           I will be a good boy without fail.

           It is the most heart-breaking thing for me to see tears of RAUM.

           It makes me shrink with sorrow, my heart broken and will tear at my breast.

           It makes my mind confused, and I cannot avoid breaking into tears.

           I shall easily lose myself in thinking what should I do.

           I would rather have me beaten by RAUM with anger ...

           I wonder that I shall behave myself whenever I saw RAUM look sorrow.
           I will fill me with sorrow, so that people will be tender.

L. Voice

           I hear someone is whispering about something.

           Someone is crying desperately, appealing something without pause.

           I hear certainly inner voice, soundless voice.

           I can see a figure on the outside of statue, figure without shape.

           I listen to solemn, pretty and gentle voice.

           It would never cease, as if it were asking a favor of me.

           I feel something; I have to do something.

           I cannot do anything at all. I cannot leave anything as it is. 

           I wonder if I were either doubt or neglect something.

           Let us believe, believe stronger!

           Do something; make haste to do!

           Whom? Of course RAUM.

           What? It must be the Way.

           Because we have never heard such a warm voice.

           Because we have never had such a time to make our mind noble.

M. Wonder

           It must be wonder that we can move our bodies as we like, the nature is carrying on 
           pretty well and people have tacit understanding each other. 

           Among all wonders, it must be the most wonderful thing to think of RAUM.

           How much shall we be attached to RAUM!

           I wonder why shall we so much long for RAUM.

           I wonder from where this distressing sympathy comes.

           I wish I could have honor to meet RAUM as sooner as possible, although we have ever 
           had no chance to see or to hear of RAUM.

           Give me a chance to see RAUM, let me meet RAUM soon now.

           Everyone must have been born and will die, without having granted the same wishes as 
           me which might be behind our mind. 

           The other world on the behind of mind must be combined with the eternal macrocosm.

N. Memories

           Anybody believes that when he was a baby he had been taken in the breast of his 
           mother, nevertheless that is not within our memory.

           Anybody could never doubt that he had been living once an infant age. 

           If so, you can never doubt that you are a baby of soul in itself.

           So that you have to believe that you have a Mother of your soul.

           Anybody can prove it is a false? Nobody can.

           The soul came down from Heaven; just like that your body came out of your mother's 

           Now you have been grown up taken in arms of RAUM, just like that you had been grown 
           up with your mother's milk. 

           You cannot understand it, because you are sleeping and dreaming now.

           Have someone make the eyelids of your mind opened, and wake up. Look! RAUM is 
           laughing as you see, is not it?

O. Change

           Everything has gone away and will disappear just like that the rivers flow away and 
           clouds pass through.

           Where, and where ever?

           A peaceful spring days will change to lonely days of autumn.

           Young color will change to old fade.

           I wonder why will the minds of human change the load from pleasant one to painful one.

           Why is that the world of human would prefer dark shadow to bright shine.

           Therefore there is neither pleasure nor distress in the world.

           Let us look at the stage of human life from outside!

           There is the sea of RAUM without flows.

           That is the quiet and mild Heaven of RAUM.

P. Prayer

           I pray to RAUM. Listen to me! RAUM. 

           I am very sorry.

           The mind of human is growing rougher. The world is becoming filthier.

           What should I do? I wish I could be of some use.

           I wonder if I could be with such a small body, and should my prayer be granted 
           nevertheless my mind might be poor. 

           Although, if it were Command of RAUM, I will do my best...

           However it might be painful, I will never complain about.

           Please, accept my proposal; take me in your arms!

           I shall be glad to devote myself to spread the Way.

           If only the name of RAUM will be spread among the world,

           I do not care whether my life shall be shortened.

           Please, make use of me! 

           I pray to RAUM for coming into my mind, making my body move.

Q. Fellow

           On the earth, there are so many children, who are crying in hunger, trembling with cold, 
           wanting for love, escaping from war and not yet permitted to be born.

           And I wonder if you know that there are great number of children who know little of 

           There might be a few happy people, notwithstanding there are so many unhappy people 
           in the world.

           I am sure in favor with God, certainly guarded and... loved.

           I wonder if I could be content with my lot as it is.

           Even if I can not afford to give something,

           I can tell something about the Way.

           Let us share with provisions of soul!

           Let us inform the favor of God each other!

           Whoever children of RAUM, equallyhave the right to enjoy divine favor of the Salvation, 
           and owe the duty to spread it.

R. Father and mother

           My father won't get Initiation of SAN-POU.

           My mother won't listen to me at all.

           I shall feel lonely if I might alone return to Heaven.

           I shall have a hard time when I might alone be saved from the Catastrophe.

           I wish you could move into Heaven with me.

           Let us all together live in the Paradise on land.

           Father and mother, I pray you sincerely for listening to me...

           It must be the last prayer to you in my lifetime, I swear by God.

           But I believe that you certainly know what I am going to say.

           I will never give up, until all my family will lend hands to TEN-DOU some day.

           I will do my best.

S. Background

           RAUM creates every thing and every being without revealing the Figure.

           Therefore, I am going to support the Way always remain in the background not to be 

           RAUM manages and controls everything without showing any power.

           Therefore, I will do my best to work for the sake of world and people without being 
           proud of ability.

           RAUM yields new lives one by one without persisting the achievements.

           Therefore, I shall have the honor to help the work of Heaven, with steady steps not 
           looking behind but forward all the time.

           I wish I could have me done with the work, which is left unknown among the public and 
           the most people will be pleased.

           I pray to RAUM for ordering me a job, which will be known quite well and expected by 
           Heaven most of all.

T. Letter

           Let us compose letters of mind...

           We will send them to RAUM every day.

           The message read this morning brought tears to my eyes.

           I invited a friend of mine to TEN-DAN this afternoon.

           I did my best to exercise in SHU-GEN (Meditation) in the evening, as a result I could 
           see bright shining.
           I am very much obliged to RAUM for giving us such pleasant and happy days. I cannot 
           thank You enough for all Your Mercies.

           I have more favor to ask you that everybody could enjoy a day in Heaven ... and

           I pray that I shall be getting along day by day without repentance and having refreshing 
           nights to be proud.

           I shall be sleeping in the chest of RAUM. Good night!

U. Dream

           I have a big dream, although it might be poor.

           It is the dream to have the same dream as you do.

           It is the dream to realize the dream you will have.

           I wish we could play together happily at RAUM.

           I wish I had my dream been fulfilled that the earth shall be filled with the bright of 

           I shall be seeing the same dream day and night.

           I will be going on seeking for such dreams that will never end in dreams whether I shall 
           be still alive.

V. Saints

           I wish I could achieve such a deep realization as the Buddha did.

           I wish I would become such a clean figure as Christ was.

           I wish I could tell like Lao-tse.

           I wish I would behave like Mohammed.

           I wish I could induce people like Confucius led.

           I pray to God for letting the virtues of Saints concentrate on me and become proofs of ... 
           the light of the world ... the Way. 

           I pray to YUMI-NAGA for making me man of patient.

           I pray to KAN-NON for making me man of mercy.

           I pray to MI-ROKU for making me man of generous.

           I pray to RAUM for making me becoming a pupil of SAN-BUTSU. 

           I pray to RAUM for making me becoming a son of RAUM.