A letter from Home 
              (A letter sent from RAUM)


                                                                             Gods' Messagaes for Missionary

              SAN-SAI (*1) and SHI-SOU (*2) yielded HAK-KE (*3),
All the Children from Home are equally sacred.
Both Male and Female are made from unique KI (*4),
              GO-GYOU (*5) changed into humane Moral.

                      (*1) SAN-SAI:  Three essential factors of the world; heaven, earth and human.
                          (*2) SHI-SOU: Four aspects in term of EKI (I-CHIN: an oriental divination) which are 
                                  composed of different combination pairs of positive (P) and negative (N) essences ...
                                  (PP,NN,PN and NP).

                          (*3) HAK-KE: Eight aspects composed of every possible combination of P and N c PPP, 
                                 NNN, PNP, PPN, NPP, NNP, NPN and PNN).
(*4) KI: Invisible energies or wave motions which consist of both positive and negative 
                                aspects. Every creative beings and things are made from them, so that they have never 
                                 fail to have both positive and negative phenomena (male and female etc.).
                          (*5) GO-GYOU: Five basic fundamentals belong to eNothingf RI-TEN, Heaven
or the world of 
                                Truth. The appearance in the world of KI
must be five sorts of their characteristics c 
                                MOKU (wood),
KA (fire), DO (soil), KON (metal) and SUI (water).

              RAUM is now giving forth-sorrowful voices highly at AN-YOU; sighing 
              out to see the people will never know to reflect.  


              Although there had been natural changes of four seasons and eight 
              turning points of the climate in the world, now heaven is cold, earth is 
              frozen and pear flowers blossom in July nevertheless so that the 
              natural landscape are thoroughly damaged.  

Notwithstanding the first and the second circulation of the biggest 
              generation had gone and the last one has come, My Children c both 
              holy men and women dare not come Home, everyone is absolved in a   
              gay life and attached to it so that they have little mind to think of RAUM.  


              For the first time when we visited this world, Children of both male and 
              female came along with RAUM and went back with RAUM again always  
              followed RAUM.  

Once upon a time (soon after the Creation), RAUM, against my will, had 
              the Children come down to the earth first. They would not begin to go 
              down, notwithstanding thousand times of my requests and ten 
              thousand of my persuasions. Therefore RAUM reluctantly made a plan 
              so as to have them part from me at first.  

RAUM made some exquisite wine out of the blood flew from my middle 
              finger broken by my teeth so as to make Children have it to be drunk at 
              the SAN-ZAN-PA. Children drank the wine so earnestly as to be drunk 
              that they could never be aware of the route to return Home as if they 
              were people without souls. While Children were sleeping around the 
              fishpond, RAUM took off their clothes and shoes and took them all back 
              to RI-TEN. Meanwhile holy Boys and Girls had nothing entirely on their 
              mind, solely enjoyed bathing and washing themselves in the cleaning 
              bed. They had been off their guard so entirely that they could have 
              never known being parted from RAUM and as a result they could never 
              follow RAUM any more. The reason why RAUM dared part from the 
              Children was that they had been already due for starting on a journey 
              according to the Law of Heaven, and perpetual urgent voice of Heaven 
              with warning drum would never be ceased.  


              Meanwhile the Children had been still playing in the water, RAUM  
              stayed in the sky bringing their clothes and shoes. RAUM looked 
              around the pond with tears of blood again soon after returned RI-TEN 
              and raised sad voices to find Boys and Girls taking broth of RAUM and 
              drinking blood of RAUM, who were convinced it sure of wine so as to be 
              drunk and wondering in SAN-ZAN-PA.  


              Because of short of the population both men and women on the earth, 
, against my will, had the Children come down there at first. RAUM  
              could hardly seal the so uneasy thought in my mind that the moment 
              when the Children would become sober what the matter might happen 
              then. Therefore RAUM built the barrier to cover all around SHOU-TEN so 
              as to block the way from the earth to RI-TEN. And RAUM let nine blue 
              dragons come down to the earth in order to guide the Children. RAUM  
              took refreshing wine and finished to dispose of their necessities of 


             The Children were still staying in the water nevertheless they became 
             sober, who had no idea where had their clothes and shoes gone. Even 
             though they looked around there, they could find neither them nor the 
             figure of RAUM. They could have ever found RAUM neither in mountains 
             nor in forests around there, so that Boys became sad and Girls burst 
             into tears. Their cries of seeking RAUM surrounded the heaven and 
             their sobs covered the earth. It made my mind hurt to see their naked 
             head and feet. They trembled with cold without any clothes to cover 
             their bodies, and they got thirsty and hungry, over and above they could 
             no place where they might make themselves at home. The 
             dispensations of Providence such that mountains were high and water 
             should flow toward low direction could never be changed, so that the 
             Children hand in hand would not dare part from each other and their 
             weeping voices sounded here and there. At last they went scattered 
             toward south, north, west and east each other.  


            The Children looked for RAUM in vain weeping with sorrow in front of 


            There were ferocious tigers in the mountain monsters were in the water; 
             the Children cried bitter tears toward the heaven.  

How long they would continue to call RAUM, the Orphans could never 
            have the pleasure of any happy home.  


            Although the Children became men and women on the earth, but they 
            could never get their neither lost clothes nor shoes again.  


            Notwithstanding the Children had become men and women, without 
            getting both wears and foods, they asked why RAUM let them go down.

               RAUM told the Children with loud voice to listen to the next words.  

            They could eat the fruits of specified trees when they feel hungry, and drink the 
            water of pure fountain.  

RAUM told the Children to take shelter from the rain and dew under the 
            branches and briefs of the trees, and cover the bodies with the barks and briefs 
            of them in order to prevent from cold.  RAUM told the Children to wait until the 
            time comes when Water would come back to the Western Sea and MI-ROKU  
            should come down to the world. RAUM also told them that because of shortage 
            of crops on the earth they should sow the field with some plants to eat and wait 
            solely the time would come.  

            The Children brought into tears and we felt such deep heart-breaking passion as 
             to make it difficult to part from each other.  

 When will RAUM be able to meet again with the Children?  

said the Children in raised voice gRAUM intended to have you seed the 
            humankind on the earth, so that you should endure many hardships nevertheless 
            you had been parted from RAUM, and never blame RAUM for being heartless or 
            merciless. RAUM had parted from my dear Children for the first time against my 
            will, because there were few men and women on the earth. Oh my dear 
            Children, nevertheless are you cling to RAUM as ever? Go down to the earth in 
            order to rule the world at once and become good human. At the time of the third 
            age when the alternation of epositivef and enegativef should happen, RAUM will 
            come down to the world for the sake of your return Home.h  

            A girl asked RAUM gwhatsoever RAUM should have promised to save us at the 
            age MAK-KYOU might come, how should we do with the matter of the 
            tremendous distresses?h  RAUM said the Children in raised voice again from 
            RI-TEN gAt that time, cross ten fingers together so tight as not to leak air. You 
            shall never be in two minds to hear the message will be sent then, just apart 
            from worldly desires and passions and you shall be able to see RAUM without 
            fail. You ought to be headed for the earth as soon as possible so as to acquire 
            the merits and have the honour to be pioneers. You shall never attach to so 
            colourful world as let you fall into the deep cave of distress.h In the meantime 
            the drum of Heaven urged again RAUM to order the Children gGo down to 
            TOU-KEI (East part of the Continent: China in ancient age) as soon as 
            possible!h Meanwhile RAUM was flurried and weeping with ceaseless tears. It 
            was a big astonishment indeed that the drums sent their peals to press RAUM to 
            tell Boys and Girls go to TOU-DO (TOU-KEI) willingly.h  The Boys and Girls 
            cried out when they saw RAUM quitting from them riding a holy cloud with their 
            clothes, ghowever we should go down to TOU-DO according to the Command of 
, we have no idea to get there, besides without clothes we could neither 
            climb any mountain nor pass over the summit of it. We should say that we could 
            never ride any cloud to fly around the sky without flying-shoes.h They cried 
            louder gif RAUM would leave us alone, we could hardly survive. How could we 
            live free from death having neither crops nor clothes?h The brilliant Boys and 
            Girls felt on their knees with ceaseless distress and asked for the mercy of 
gwe ask a favour of RAUM not to leave us, just save our souls. Even 
            though we could get TOU-DO, number of big rivers might stand in our way, 
            mountains should be so high and water so deep that we would not be able to go 
            further. We could hardly survive, unless we might have some clothes and shoes. 

            How could we survive in order to rule the world of TOU-DO?h RAUM continued 
            to tell the Children again and again gRAUM have the exquisite Law, you shall 
            have some. You shall be endowed with some holy treasures to open the emale 
            and femalef blue dragons and red phoenix to ride so as to go down to TOU-DO. 
            If only you could have the eight fortunes (eight virtues) and the Command of 
to rule the world, you would need fear any more nothing. You shall have 
            also the swords of seven stars (exquisite wisdom) so that you will be able to 
            clear the mountain, control the water and develop the way of life and death as 
            you like. In addition you shall be endowed with TAI-KYOKU KEN choly mirror 
            enable you to surrender any kinds of devils.h The girls said ghowever RAUM  
            promised to save us in the year of MAK-KYOU, we wonder if we could have 
            evident guarantee to suppress demons of the heaven and bring devil of the 
            earth under our control so that we could keep our body unhurt.h gThen RAUM  
            give you a miracle crystal which show you the direction of south and emit the 
            lights whenever you will see through anything.h

            RAUM took out a picture of Nothing and unfolded it, above which man could see 
            the real spiritual figure of RAUM. Anyone once came down to TOU-DO could 
            never see RAUM, however he might think about RAUM. Nevertheless anybody 
            could see RAUM as if he might meet with RAUM, if only he would have opened 
            the picture. Whoever in TOU-DO should hardly avoid suffering from the last 
            catastrophe when the time comes, unless he would worship the Lamp of RAUM  
            in TEN-DAN so faithfully as to feel the response from RAUM? The SAN-POU is 
            the pith and marrow of the heavenly secrets, which you shall keep to yourself 
            without leakage.  

            You should have to take care in MAK-KYOU year that so many devils would 
            come out world-widely as to disturb both public orders and feelings. They would 
            put into confusion of the harmony in the Way of SAN-BUTSU. At that time, you 
            original souls of Children might hardly tell the truth from falseness. Although you 
            would meet with dangerous situation, you could never fail to make out of the 
            Truth as soon as you should use SAN-POU then.  
RAUM tell the men and women in future earnestly that you shall behave yourself 
            and recite the chant its distress notwithstanding. If you could make each letter 
            be your own, you would be able to change even your karma with the aid of 
            internal exquisite Law. After you shall be endowed with the real treasures, you 
            will never weep with sorrowful tears any more again.  
When RAUM was making conversation with the Children in SAN-ZAN-PA, 
            frequent alarm bells had been sounding violently above the hall, so that RAUM  
            could not avoid telling Boys and Girls to consent readily to go to TOU-DO.  
RAUM was riding in a wagon made of cloud and coming back to RI-TEN. After 
            return Home, RAUM had been out of mind with sorrow to see Boys and Girls 
            should have been repeating life and death in tears. However almighty God 
            should be, even RAUM could never act against the regulations of Heaven; 
            notwithstanding they were made by RAUM.   

RAUM felt on knees and burst into tears for long.  

Children without Parent were watching RAUM went away with miserable painful 
            mind being left alone. How could a swarm of bees be getting on quite well 
            without their lord? In the emergency, they might have found their peace first 
            when they could have been accepted in other swarm. Every Boys and Girls went 
            down to TOU-KEI at last, having no place to rely upon there.  

            The tragedy of the separation brought ceaseless tears in eyes of RAUM after 
            coming back to RI-TEN. Since the separation in SAN- ZAN-PA, the Children 
            could never meet with RAUM in RI-TEN.  RAUM could never see the Children, 
            notwithstanding think of their coming back. The children could nothing but 
            weeping, nevertheless they wished RAUM to come.  

Whoever would expect to meet with RAUM again, should wait until MAK-KYOU 
            coming year would be due. When the time comes, RAUM will send a Message 
            and reveal GOU-DOU (SAN-POU) among the world. Everybody shall never fail 
            to fall into the shackles of eternal reincarnation and will never come Home, 
            unless he will not able to get GOU-DOU. If one should realize the Message, he 
            would be able to know that GEN-KAN must be the resource of everything and 
            being. If one should accumulate merits, acquire virtues and behave oneself, he 
            could be initiated into GEN-KAN. The moment you would use the treasure in 
            case of necessity, you might find yourself in RI-TEN without fail. After you come 
            Home, you will be able to see RAUM, and everything in the Paradise shall be at 
            your disposal. You shall no need worry about catastrophes any more and able to 
            act as you like and enjoy endless pleasant life.  

            Take care never lose the Way at that time. If you might happen to go astray, you 
            shall never fail to fall into the depths.  

            It must be the utmost tragic scene that the Boys and Girls burst into ceaseless 
            tears to see RAUM went away. RAUM was afraid that the Children might be led 
            astray in the Salvation age so as to forget to come Home after RAUM. So that 
turned around and added further words.  

RAUM deplored in front of SAN-ZAN-PA, turned to see the Children again and 
            told them to listen to the words of RAUM carefully.

            Now RAUM let you go down to TOU-DO, but while as much as sixty thousand 
            years you might happen to fall in the painful depths, if you would attach to the 
            world, make your minds filthy with liquor, carnal desire, fortune and other evils. If 
            you might lose all the Way of human, you shall change to be born such as 
            animals as camel, lion or elephant. You shall fall into SHI-SHOU and live without 
            peace, unless you will live keeping both GO-JOU and HAT-TOKU.  

            The situation of the last age shall be so entirely changed that five kinds of 
            demons will appear and disturb the harmonies all over the world. RAUM was 
            afraid that then the three kinds of catastrophe and eight sorts of disaster might 
            happen at the same time and attack all the humankind.  

As RAUM told you before, the Law shall come out once on the earth 
            nevertheless, you shall never make you astray to lose the resource. All ninety six 
            billion Children shall find the Way to return Home together.  

            Let people know the Message of RAUM so that they could soften their faces to 
            have been endowed with the treasure.  

            You shall be endowed with a sword of wisdom and the holy mirrors enable to 
            conquer demons or the square of TAI-KYOKU. The positive and negative holy 
            mirrors must be the symbol of coming Home and the incentives to become 
            Buddha. You shall be also endowed with both hut and shoes necessary goods 
            to travel in the sky. RAUM will hold a farewell party in the front of GEN-KAN with 
            holy water. You shall tell the public above story steadily, especially make much 
            of SAN-POU. You shall need to learn the holy regulations and master them. If 
            you act against them, you shall fall into the Hell.

            As soon as the children came and heard this preach of RAUM, they were 
            seriously flurried and writhed in agony. Enormous loads on their minds; they 
            went down the stairs of cloud to TOU-DO. They visited and wandered here and 
            there climb mountains and across rivers without taking rest. Look for the sacred 
            mountain of spirit, never be too late to accumulate negative virtues for the sake 
            of your family. The gay lives will never last long. The five sorts of evils shall be 
            swept away without fail. You shall change your mind as soon as possible. He 
            must be a man of virtue who will make evil change into good. Every evils in the 
            world shall be destroyed thoroughly and shift the position of constellations so as 
            to change the generation from positive to negative.  

            If you turn rapidly your head around, you will find yourself in RI-TEN. If you might 
            lose the relationship with the Way, you shall fall into Hell. And if only you would 
            earn merits, accumulate virtues and achieve good works, you shall be regarded 
            as a man to be saved.

            Once upon a time, Confucius sighed regrettably out in his love for men of 
            wisdom, gyou should preach people the Way heart and soul so as to lead them 
            to the Way without failh RAUM have never seen before a man who had been 
            used to do good works for his life, nevertheless it would put one at his ease to 
            see such a man.  

            You could scarcely see such an important affaires once in a hundred twenty 
            thousand years. Authorized Gods had consulted with the matter of fact at the 
            bank of holy pond that the true Law shall be declared in sixteen ways among the 

            Kites are flying to the heaven; fishes are jumping upon the abyss. You could 
            polish KI at TEI-RO and send it to SAN-SHA (new words follow thereafter 
            printed in the capital letters are technical terms used in SHU-GEN
            explanation shall be omitted). KIN and MOKU mixed and SUI-KA shall be 
            arranged and in addition of EN-KOU to it DAI-TAN will be made. Both sun and 
            moon shine the holy garden, and a mass of TAN is gong in and out GEN-KAN. If 
            breath of wind will breed calm and train spirit, BUN-KA shall be brewed as sweet 
            as honey.  

As the rotation of an oriental biorhythm shows, in the renewed fist stage (new 
            generation) a man shall begin with an infant, who will soon put off the placenta 
            and grow up a young man with a childish face, natural and innocent, standing on 
            the REN-DAI, taking a walk around KON-RON and playing in HOU-RAI.  

            The sun and the moonshine without making shadow, everyone reveal divine 
            power naturally so that anyone could dig the gold and jewels, as he like. 

            Anybody feel hunger could take some vegetables and sap, when feel thirsty 
            could drink the water of any fountain as if it were sweet KAN-RO (KON-GOU 
            KANRO; general term of drinksc nectar or foods which are prepared for 
            shortage of provisions in MAK-KYOU).  

            You may watch the tigersf fighting in front of a mountain by way of killing time, 
            when you feel tired you may listen to the birdsf songs in the mountain.  

You may as well feel at home, look better wearing neat and clean clothes.  

            If you would never act in accordance with the harmony of the world, why do you 
            need think of the distinction between faithfulness and wickedness or prosperity 
            and ruin?  

I shall never be destroyed, even if the macrocosm may be demolished, the 
            utmost excellent Sacred forever how long the time will fly.  

            If you will become human and realize this significance, you shall go TOU-DO 
            and make good use of your lives in the world.  

            If you would not be able to return Home this time, you should wait for the next 
            chance to come for no less than one hundred twenty thousand years. The 
            ignorant people would never realize the situation so that they should attach to 
            the material world and finally fall into the depth.

           The circumstances were very sorrowfully because of wants of corns when I had 
            sent you to the world first. Notwithstanding the world had been such as well as 
            seen nowadays regulated, people have been devouring delicious foods and 
            drinks so that they would never think of return Home. Anybody will not spread the 
            Messages I told before any more, they are endeavouring nothing but such as 
            evil affairs as getting honours and benefits of their own.  

            What is the use of doing evil affairs to be the puppet of fate? If the five devils 
            might attack you, could you find something to prevent from their violations? On 
            the other side, there will happen a lot of epidemics and wars around the world, 
            besides the longest dry weather will cause the very miserable failure of crops 

            When the time has come, the armed forces of any kinds will appear in every 
            direction and fight each other here and there. Soon after Heaven will send forth 
            KOU-FUU down to SAN-KAI, which must be the most ferocious gust of wind, 
            nobody could escape from. Even though it may be an inevitable immortal 
            disaster, people who will be initiated into SAN-POU free from anxiety about the 
Now we are in the third generation to have the Children return Home. They will 
            never again go to TOU-DO full of the distress as if people were roasted at the 

            Whoever must have something to do with the Way will meet with it someday 
            notwithstanding the hard walking distance of his residence, while whoever might 
            have nothing to do with it will assume an attitude of indifference to it without fail. 

            Anybody who was one of the original Children will never fail to meet with RAUM
            nevertheless he might have come to a bad end. The man must be one of the 
            Children who will have been safe and sound all his life, no matter how often he 
            should have been attacked with any devils and disasters. Whoever has nothing 
            to do with the Way will laugh at the sermon however faithfully a man should 
            preach it. Even though the man might preach others the sermon ostensibly, it 
            must have a tacit implication of heresy.  

            You need not dare to preach those people any sermon; it must be vain deeds to 
            do so nevertheless they might say they would go on the Way. People who have 
            not anything to do with the Way will be born as inhuman beings. Could anybody 
            polish up a block of brick to a brilliant mirror? The moment when the Way shall 
            be released like a bolt from the blue even tomorrow, they should be put out to 
            be smoke.

            The recent world customs and manners have been so evidently changed that 
            good men would easily be attracted by wickedness. So that heartbreaking 
has sent forth a plenty of Gods to the world. MI-ROKU manages 
            TEN-BAN and other Gods spread the Way. At first, RAUM have some Saints 
            opened religions and spread sutra one after another so that people have had so 
            hard time for long as to climb mountains, worship the summits and so forth. 
            When the true Way will be released in a future life, whoever could happen to 
            meet the Master should call him to be pointed the GEN-KAN. Then you shall be 
            shown the means of training in the Way.  

            Although it has been long since MI-ROKU was sent forth to the world, any 
            answer has never been sent me back. Should the people be greedy for their 
            lives, lost their way or attached to the world so as not yet to come Home? As I 
            have told MI-ROKU several Messages when I sent him to the world, so He 
            should have some reports returned to me. The moment RAUM was thus in deep 
            grief, MI-ROKU visited the palace all at once. MI-ROKU fell on His knees and 
            met RAUM.   

asked MI-ROKU something about the world.  
           Meanwhile RAUM had been in deep grief, MI-ROKU fell on His knees in tears.  
            RAUM said gMy child! Stand up, come near to me and sit down!h  

MI-ROKU said gI am thankful to RAUM for permitting me taking a seat. I guess 
            My RAUM has been better off indeedh.  

said, gstop it! You should explain why should have Children not yet come 
            Home, nevertheless I told You to go to TOU-DO with some Buddha for the sake 
            of their Salvation?h MI-ROKU said, gRAUM, I ask you sitting down and listening 
            what I am going to say.h MI-ROKU asked RAUM to take the holy seat in the 
            palace with ceaseless tears until He began to speak as follow. gThe reason why 
            the Children would never return Home is not because that I did not want it 
            against the Command, but because that they had went astray and missed their 
            way to come Home. Although everyone had scattered in all directions according 
            to the Command of RAUM and complied with me at first, but all of them had 
            fallen into the flowery world, gone down to the lands separated seventy-two 
            countries with physical bodies.  

Above all the population in both far southern and northern out-of-the-way places 
            had been increasing, and every inhabitant could reveal the divine powers. They 
            had been led astray to have revealed their power, strayed from the path of virtue 
            so as to cheat men and women into practicing magic and witchcraft.  

           They became bewildered by such inconstancy as to be born to die and die to be 
            born again, sometimes born as a man of A family or sometimes born as a 
            woman of B family so that the reincarnation would have never been ceased.   

A manfs soul had come into the physical body through the specified 
            CHA-KU-RA and went out of body though another CHA-KU-RA, so that his soul 
            and spirit could have never found his peaceful living and as the result he might 
            indulge in the worldly desires, devour honour and benefit of his own and finally 
            fell into the deep cave. It is very sorry to see that he would never awake the truth 
            in spit of any preaching, nor change his mind notwithstanding any persuasion. If 
            a man would dare convert the mind of such a man to the right way, he might 
            rather speak so ill of him as to be humiliated.  

           Those people who have been away from the Way will make fun of MAK- KYOU; 
           do evil, spread heresy and practice magic and witchcraft of any kind. In the year 
           of MAK-KYOU, people will devour worldly desires, make sins, do evils, never 
           learn the sutra of big three religions so as not to make out the truth. However 
           earnestly I had told them the true stories one by one, the public must have made 
           their souls so much confused that they could hardly return Home.h  

RAUM was very much surprised to hear the words and said, gYou shall go down 
           to the human world again to save the Children.h  

MI-ROKU worried about the word, after he thought more and again and said, gI 
           do not want to go there any more forever. I wish you should never tell me again
           to have the original souls come back. How could one have the Children come 
           Home who would never believe the truth? Even though I never wish disobey the 
           Law and go against the order of Heaven, it is far beyond of my ability to have 
           them return Home notwithstanding. How could a man convert the mind of those 
           people who were haughty, proud to be strong, eager to win, and speak ill of sutra 
           and bible?h RAUM could not do nothing but leaving the seat and fell on His knees 
           and asked MI-ROKU to forgive my heartless words.  

MI-ROKU fell on his knees in a flurry, prostrated himself before RAUM and set 
           on His legs in a great hurry with heartbreaking mind. He took RAUM back to the 
           holy seat and begged for mercy of RAUM to forgive his sinful words. After he 
           thanked for the forgiveness with decorum, he was standing beside me with so 
           ceaseless tears of heartbreak as to drench his chest.  

RAUM ordered again, ggo back to the earth to save the Children. I could not find 
           anyone who would be relied upon the affairs of TOU-DO and the Salvation 
           besides you. Even though there should happen to occur thousand of abuses, 
           then you might be free from them by treating them just as if they were wind 
           passing through. You shall exert a good influence upon Children with all round 

           RAUM told MI-ROKU more and again as follow.  

           The thought of the Children used to bring RAUM to tears in RI-TEN.  

           My dear MI-ROKU, according to my opinion, the reason why the souls went down 
           to TOU-DO would never return Home is that they have been attached to the 
           worldly desires. Though once two brothers (NEN-TOU and SHA-KYA both 
           Buddha) had been in the world and come Home with four hundred million of the 
           souls in amount. But this time should be bigger and bigger Salvation expected 
           incomparable to the former small scale one. There are still nine billion and two 
           hundred million Children left non-return in the world.  

, on the way of RAUMfs talk, trembled with an astonished look and 
           heart-broken mind and said. gNow are the people living as if they were tigers or 
           wolves, so that nobody could make them initiated into the Way to return Home 
           notwithstanding. Above all, the earth is extended from North to South Pole and 
           from Asia to Europe, so that a man hardly covers all over the world even by flying 
           not to say walking. I can hardly obey the order of this time. I ask you a favour not 
           to come down such a mercy to the world.h  

RAUM was angered to hear the word and said with choked voice, gMI-ROKU
           why would you dare not obey My Law? If you might go against My Command, 
           you should know what crime you would be guilty of. I wonder that you shall be 
           punished by crushing caught between pressing mountains of Hell.h  

           (The Children, all people were so flurried to hear the word of RAUM, while a 
           number of Buddha fell on their knees in front of Palace to ask RAUM a favour of 
           pardoning MI-ROKU with mercy.)  RAUM said in the Palace, geveryone listen to 
           My Command that all of you shall go down to the world and reclaim the 
           wasteland, cut down the grasses so as to help MI-ROKU. I will have left neither 
           Buddha in Heaven nor Gods in RI-TEN. When the time comes the Command of 
           the Salvation of SAN-KAI conducted by MI-ROKU will be issued, the world shall 
           be changed into paradise. Even though in those days you might hurt yourself or 
           die, you shall be rewarded without fail. But you shall never be proud of the praise 
           however high it will be.

           The fact that the Children since they had been sent down to the earth have been 
           closed in the shackles of reincarnation always breaks my heart. But if the comes 
           they shall be dressed up with golden flowers on their chest. I told the Children a 
           word when they went down as follow. Every one should listen to the word 
           carefully again.  

Set an aim in life as soon as possible. If you would be so weak as not to set your 
           aim, you could hardly return eHomef. The soon you will sow and plant a tree, the 
           more fruits you shall reap. If you should be so idle as to plant too late, the tree 
           would be in no flower. You need to be a man of generous, flexible and modest in 
           order to become a leader. It is a great wisdom to enable a man to moderate the 
           wise men and lead the public. In order to keep training yourself, sometimes 
           climb mountains, sometimes go across rivers. Later when you will be able to 
           achieve the aim, you shall never fail recover your original beings. As usual you 
           shall be endowed with your post according to your achievement, which nobody 
           would dare take away.

           I am going to say another words, bear in your mind. You shall humbly prevent 
           from dragonsf coming to confuse the world. The moment when the mass of 
           negative ghost will appear, evil spirits and ghosts will be in action. Phantoms of 
           mountain, spectres in water will make fantastic thought occur in onefs mind, which 
           will be changed into a large amount of monsters to stand in the Way. I wish from 
           my heart, you should never lead yourself astray then. As soon as the time 
           comes, you shall be praised with pleasure. Even though devils and demons 
           might break into the sacred place, RAUM will send KOU-FUU and blow them off 
           without fail. Children, keep in your mind steady. If it might happen to be shaken, 
           let it be done, as they like. Those sinful children who might have few root and 
           fortune shall be made their mind be confused as if it were hemp ropes. They 
           shall put the cart before the horse, be bent on making trouble and do wrong to 
           interfere with people. To be arrogant or to be haughty and the persistence are 
           big evil diseases. Wickedness, avarice, deceit and lie would injure the mind of 
           Children. Some people will be attached to some affection or benefits hardly 
           abstain from, while other people never mind the affairs might occur shall be 
           permitted to keep the post in RI-TEN.

          The story above-mentioned is told about against the Way. The man who dare 
          commit the sins or crimes shall go down in the world. Though these sins should 
          correspond to crime of Heaven, they are so ignorant as to think of becoming 

           Indeed KOU-FUU shall be sent forth according to my Command; meanwhile a 
          big tear is rolling down my cheek. Just wait until the time comes, when the Way 
          shall be revealed, selected good from among people and applied both rewards 
          and penalties. RAUM will send three sorts of catastrophes with five kinds of 
          demons down to SAN-KAI in order to get rid of bad men. Five hundred Gods of 
          thunder will appear in the sky, authorized Gods will investigate the bad men using 
          golden pointer night and day. The moment when the Way will be so steadily fixed 
          as demons to perish, the miracles of the Way shall be revealed first, and people 
          will realize that to do evil is to injure them. Finally, every Children will be pleased 
          to become living Buddha for the first time, they need any more neither coming 
          down to SAN-KAI nor reborn in the world. Every one will come eHomef and laugh 
          all together.h

           MI-ROKU said, git could be so, but all other Buddha still wonder whether it could 
           be, much less the original souls. Therefore I can hardly persuade them to 
           understand the story.h  

RAUM said, gI have an exquisite idea, that is to say, If RAUM bite off and bleed 
          from the centre finger so as to write a letter with the blood, it will certainly shake 
          the readersf mind. And RAUM wrote in blood clearly each one letter and one line, 
          and felt the heart broken with sorrow. The dress of dragon pattern was stained 
          red with blood, each letter was written with a cry and a glance at pages. RAUM  
          finished writing in blood and prayed to it. And RAUM worshiped Buddha around 
          the palace and appreciates their mercies.  

If anybody who will read the letter has something to do with the Way change the 
          mind as soon as possible, and if only he will be able to improve his bad temper 
          and his filthy mind, he will never fail to meet with RAUM.  

Never be haughty; never pretend to be strong, never proud of wisdom, abstain 
          from both affections and worldly desires and learn and realize the soul world. If 
          you would have realized the concepts of the big three religions thoroughly, you 
          might as well make out the Truth. If you would visit the Master once, he might 
          point your GEN-KAN. If KI goes upward, it will reach the summit of KON-RON 
          through DEI-GAN-KYUU. Both SOU-RIN-JU and JUU-JI-GAI are the utmost 
          SHIN-JIN (they are another names of GEN-KAN). And if KI goes downward, it will 
          reach the hole of KAI-SEN so as to make soul and spirit break the new ground of 
          eternal peace. It stays for a while until there will be filled with negative KI so as to 
          get rid of muddiness and make pure essence remain.

          RAUM could never keep peace thinking about the Children day and night, and   
          RAUM used to waste time all day long with tears for the sake of the Children. And 
always thinking of Five hundred RA-KAN and KAN-NON in TOU-DO, ten 
          elder sisters and nine younger sisters in the world, KAN-NON in KO-REI-ZAN, 
          forty eight GAN in under ground and several thousand of ancient souls in the 
          space, and nine billion two hundred million souls in SAN-KAI, so that the rout of 
          male and female shall be revealed at the same time.  

          At the beginning there was no human figure found, therefore RAUM sent the 
          Children down to the world for the first time, but as a matter for regret, the 
           humanity has gone to the dogs as it is seen nowadays. It has been not less than 
          sixty thousand years since the Children sent down, who should have been 
          suffered from distresses. How could RAUM be peaceful in mind? Why RAUM  
          should spare Mercies for them?    

           Notwithstanding RAUM sent the Children down to TOU-DO in order to reign all 
           over the world at that day, the circumstances have become so worse as to be 
           obliged to let MAK-KYOU down to SAN-KAI for the sake of the selection by 
           which the Children might be injured. There is nothing for it but to send forth all the 
           Saints and Buddha. Therefore I ask MI-ROKU go down to SAN-KAI accompany 
           other Gods for the sake of Salvation.  

RAUM has exhausted all my heart and soul for My Childrenfs sake so that now I 
           am missing them to be left alone. There are no more found the figures of both 
           KIN-DOU and GYOKU-JO and JUU-NI KAN-NON neither. No seen DAI-HI 
           SEI-BO in RAN-SHOU palace. No GU-ZE KAN-NON in SHI-CHIKU-RIN any 
           more. No CHI-KYUU SEI-BO in JOU-MAI palace. Neither MON-JU nor FU-GEN 
           in front of me.  

At that day, when a party was held in RAKU-YOU-ROU, you must have drunk 
           blood wine in order to become the origin of humankind so that you had the 
           original mind been bewildered. But when you left there, I gave you a set of 
           SAN-POU so as to be able to return Home by the Initiation using a finger of a 
           Master you will meet someday.

           As long as you are living in peace, you have to close your ROU-MON tightly. In 
           an emergency, if only you were an initiate into SAN-POU you could be 
           transcendent any difficulties. I have told you the story thousand times, and 
           entrusted you with the matter ten thousand times. You, the Children of wisdom, if 
           only you would cut off the devour honour and benefit of your own and break off 
           the worldly desires, you could see the figure of RAUM.

RAUM, thinking of the Children, always sorry for missing them even for a moment.  
, thinking of the Children, always ill at ease as if a sword broke my heart.  
, thinking of the Children, nothing but weep all day long.  
, thinking of the Children, has no time to get peace of mind.  
, thinking of the Children, nothing but weep so as to forget to manage HOU-RIN.  
, thinking of the Children, nothing but weep so that KAN-RO could never become 
, thinking of the Children, nothing but weep so as to let the gate open always as it 
, thinking of the Children, nothing but weep, notwithstanding the pleasure of a 
             happy home never comes back again.  
RAUM, thinking of the Children, nothing but weep, while the three families were 
             scattered each other.  
, thinking of the Children, nothing but weep so that KI could never recover the 
             original state.
RAUM, thinking of the Children, nothing but weep so that TAN-DEN would never be 
              warmed up.
RAUM, thinking of the Children, nothing but weep so that SUI and KA could never be 
RAUM, thinking of the Children, nothing but weep so as to make it difficult to discern
              the discrimination between purity and muddiness.  
, thinking of the Children, nothing but weep so that epositivef and enegativef both 
             parts would never work well.  
RAUM, thinking of the Children, nothing but weep so that the mind has become 
             confused and KI got scattered away.  
, thinking of the Children, nothing but weep so as not to be able to pass through 
             the big three barriers.  
, thinking of the Children, nothing but weep so that both inner organs and KI have 
             been crashed. Although RAUM wept to cut off my lever and cried to cut off my 
             bowels, but no Children would come Home.

             Whoever might have a little bit mercy as a Child of RAUM, study SAN-KI (three 
             rules) precisely to the last detail, and keep GO-KAI (five taboos) thoroughly?  

Whoever might have a little bit mercy as a Child of RAUM, shall never speak ill 
             of either Saints or men of wisdom?  

Whoever might have a little bit mercy as a Child of RAUM, shall never preach 
             any heresies?

             Whoever might have a little bit mercy as a Child of RAUM, should dismiss 
             worldly thoughts from your mind?  

Whoever might have a little bit mercy as a Child of RAUM, should be exempted 
             from any sins as soon as possible?  

             Whoever might have a little bit mercy as a Child of RAUM, get rid of worldly 

Whoever might have a little bit mercy as a Child of RAUM, never take either 
             wines or tobaccos?  

Whoever might have a little bit mercy as a Child of RAUM, never talk about 

Whoever might have a little bit mercy as a Child of RAUM, come eHomefc 

A poem says, gIf you think of the mercy as a Child of RAUM, return RI-TEN 
             quickly and study TEN-DOU.h Otherwise you shall go down in    the world by 
             attaching to liquor drinking and carnal desires.  

RAUM finished writing the blood letter that had no time to dry with tears 
             dropping from the eyes of RAUM.  

             If you think of the mercy as a Child of RAUM, cut off the devour honour and 
             benefit of your own. If only you live according to the three rules and keep five 
             taboos, you shall never go to ruin perpetually.  

RAUM wrote in blood so as to dye holy clothes scarlet, which moved MI-ROKU  
             and other Buddha to tears.

             The children would not awake never come Home, notwithstanding many 
             preaches, with which I have nothing to do, I am sincerely afraid of nothing but 
             SAN-SAI coming to injure My Children. I am afraid that the entire field now you 
             can see will disappear. I am afraid that nobody could rely upon the biggest 
             house, if any, to protect his life. I am afraid that nobody could purchase his life 
             with money however rich he may be. I am afraid that nobody could never make 
             his clothes however many materials he may have. I am afraid that nobody could 
             be favoured with the products of industries if any. I am afraid that nobody could 
             ever cultivate the field however vast land may be available. I am afraid that 
             neither favour nor affection nor aged shall ever be achieved. I am afraid that all 
             of the excellent descendants shall be scattered. I am afraid that only a few 
             people would run as far as one hundred miles. I am afraid that there will be no 
             house to live in any territory. I am afraid that the menfs heads will be seethed as 
             if they were melons boiled in a stew pan. I am afraid that the bones of death 
             men will be piled up as if they were high mountains. These accidents must be 
             caused by bosses of the five kinds of demons, which will disturb everywhere in 
             the world so that nobody could sit in a happy circle nevertheless one may have 
             wife and children. Even though you may have much money as you like, but it 
             would be finally no use for you to make you rich. And even if there were vast 
             real estate around you, you could never be at your disposal.

             There are too many stories to speak of, anyway, the bosses of the five kinds of 
             demons will disturb the world, and the evil spirits come and spoil the Children. 
             The phantoms of mountain and the spectres of water come along one after 
             another to deceive men and women into believing that they could become 
             Buddha if only they are obedient. The Children would be in very risky situation at 
             that time, whoever once listen to their preach might comply with their preach to 
             be Buddha. If you might follow them, your body should be changed into a rotten 
             corpse late at night and eaten in one swallow. Some other evil monks will 
             disturb the Way with a false neutralization that will preach the achievement of 
             inner virtues and the conversion of HAK-KE for outer world. If one may happen 
             to become a Buddha as a result of training this falsehood like virtues, you have 
             to know how sincerely the false mercies may injure others. If a man follows 
             these heresies, he will become a man of against all the regulations. They also 
             persist that the intercourse between married men and women must be evil. 

             Every men and women shall never go on board any ship of the demons. Are not 
             you afraid that you shall hardly come Home eternally, if you will go on board 
             these ship? Have you never thought of an ancient Saint talking about the 
             heresies such as, gthere are not a bit of the truth found, no wise providence of 
             Heaven flows?h

             I am afraid that every sorts of devils and demons will appear later among the 
            world to injure the original souls, that is, My Children. The trainee could hardly 
            understand the difference between truth and falsehood, so that false RAUM and 
            false KAN-NON will appear their functions here and there. False MI-ROKU and 
            false Salvation may come to spoil the Children, and false Teacher and false 
            grand Teacher may operate the Ship at that time. They might send forth five 
            Seniors so as to win peoplefs heart and make it a proof of their authority to 
             provide some look like true ceremony. They may also provide some fleeting 
             favour and benefit, and misrepresent the regulations so as to feather their nest.  
           They must use some provisional figures for the sake of checking your training in 
            the Way. You might as well make RAUM be ill at ease, as to believe and follow 
            them. If you dare not believe them, you shall never be taken your life. If you 
            might follow them, you shall lose your spiritual light and suffer from disasters 

            RAUM has entrusted you with a letter certainly. The heads ought to make out the 
            Truth purely so that you used to think of it and realize it evidently, but you should 
            never consider it if it were disrespectfully. Even if they might explain any fine 
            aspect full of the lotus flowers, you should close your GEN-KAN steadily and 
            make it a rule to keep it at any time.  

            And I must inform you that the schedule of both drought and inundation 
            disasters have been decided so that you shall never fail to suffer from both 
            hunger and cold at that time. To think of the aspects moved RAUM to tears. 

            There will be no crops found all over the world so that people will raise riots here 
            and there; you shall be made no exception. Even though there might happen to 
            be reserved some provisions around you, you shall never be able to dispose of 
            them as you like. Sometimes your relatives, sometimes your friends will vie with 
            each other devouring foods, and the other evil spirits will join them. The price of 
            crops such as rice and wheat will have been increasing day by day so that some 
            people will get much money to sell them, while some others will hardly buy them 
            enough how much they might have money. The price of cotton cloths will be as 
            well expensive as jewels; nowhere one could find the materials to be sold 
            nevertheless its high price. Some people will have their children hunger so as to 
            be in disorder and get scattered and lost their KI, while some other people 
            nothing to do with might be killed for the sake of killers
Efoods. Notwithstanding 
            the barks of trees in any ground will be exhausted, the fruits yielded in high 
            mountains shall have people survive in that age. Although people who live deep 
            in a mountain could be free from both hunger and cold, some ferocious animal 
            might attack their children. The savage beasts will attack a man the moment they 
            saw him doing something evil, while they will wink at a man of doing good.

            Now I must advice the Children to accumulate virtues as soon as possible. A 
            man of virtue based upon a great achievement could be always at ease, who will 
            suffer neither from hunger nor cold eating U-KAN and drinking TO-ZUI, while 
            others will be crying against the heaven and shouting against the earth because 
            of shortage of the five sorts of crops. Meanwhile every kind of evil diseases will 
            be prevalent all over the world. I must tell the Children to visit the Master in order 
            to go aboard the ship as soon as possible.  


            Both the disasters and the difficulties could never be sincerely something. No 
            one will never be able to overcome the catastrophe of SUI-KA-FUU come later, 
            that is, all countries, islands and continents will be going to sink under water, so 
            that a ship shall be inevitable for a man to survive even if he might live in a high 
            mountain. As soon as the big amount of water once flew away, suddenly big fire 
            will come out everywhere among the world so as to burn trees, towns and cities 
            away at a time. RAUM will reveal a divine power in Mt. GA-BI to make a gust of 
            enormous wind, which may blow off everything on the earth to the heaven. A 
            great amount of soil gathered around the KOU-GA Valley will make a plenty of 
            high heaps appear here and there. The wind will be flowing with deafening roars 
            like a divine devilfs crying so that the world could never be at peace.

            It would be too difficult to remind of any distress at that time, and no one could 
            ever see RAUM however sincerely he might think of. Of course, there will be 
            neither raft nor boat found at that time. And what was worse, neither provisions to 
            live on vegetables, nor the Way to come along could ever be found. To make 
            matters worse, though a man might think of worshiping Buddha, he would never 
            find TEN-DAN around there, and if a man might think of accumulating some 
            virtue, the money could no more use at that time. Thousand times of 
            repentances as well as ten thousand times of confessions, they would be too 
            late to resolve onefs sins and crimes. The words to speak ill of the Law of 
            Buddha and the manner to neglect the sacred preach should never be good. 
            The complaint to blame one for keeping vegetarianism and the attitude to refuse 
            otherfs word should never be good. The idleness not to read a precious book he 
            could have at hand should never be good. The behaviour to devour favour and 
            not to abstain the worldly desires should never be good. To eat either meat or 
            flesh and to drink any wine should never be good. To cheat one with false 
            currency should never be good. Any swindle should never be good. It should 
            never be good to tell a lie that the Master would swindle money from the public. 
            To devour honour and benefit in order to get the high post should never be 
            good. To kill a living spirit so as to make an evil causality should never be good.

            You ought to roar out loudly for Heaven as a RA-KAN (pupil of a Buddha). The 
            Heaven never tells, the earth never says. If a man does not speak, he shall go 
            down to the Hell. Think of the Way quickly while you have physical body. It will be 
            too late to begin roaring for Heaven scarcely when the catastrophe comes. The 
            worldly affairs are nothing but the Sea of distress which nobody need not attach 
            as long as one like. Visit the Master and have the exit pointed, then you shall 
            never suffer from the distress being burnt. Never tell a lie that the story about the 
            TEN-NEN Buddha should be false. Have you never think of where your soul 
            originally came from? 

            Now I have given full particulars of our history. Whenever you might remind of 
            the affection between RAUM and the Children, refer to this letter soon. I have 
            finished writing the letter with ceaseless tears, so that the pad would never have 
            been dried. My dear Children, never regard the letter as a caprice to see the 
            letter of blood. The mind of RAUM is disturbed for the sake of the Children. The 
            tears have been dried up finally when the writing was finished.

            RAUM will endow you with all the treasure for the sake of your Salvation, which 
            will achieve a great success to open (the GEN-KAN of) the people when the 
            time comes. At first you shall endowed with ancient GOU-DOU which you will 
            have to make a combination with your ten fingers on your chest so as not to leak 
            anything out of it. Thereafter the route to return Home shall be opened, and after 
            KIN and MOKU cross together and both SUI and KA arranged the Sutra could 
            be initiated.

 The first time, you shall be revealed SAN-KA SHUU-CHOU.  
 The second time, you shall be revealed GO-KI CHOU-SOU.  
 The third time, you shall be revealed EI-JI SHUTSU-DOU.  
 The fourth time, you shall be revealed YAKU-BYOU KOU-SHOU.
 The fifth time, you shall be revealed IN-SHUTSU YOU-NYUU.  
 The sixth time, you shall be revealed CHI-RAI HATSU-MEI.  
 The seventh time, you shall be revealed YU-KAN KA-REI.  
The eighth time, you shall be revealed BU-REI BUN-POU.  
The ninth time, you shall be revealed SHUU-TEN ZEN-KOU.  
The tenth time, you shall be revealed TO-TSUKI TAI-SEI.  

In the first stage, a drinking party was held at AN-YOU palace.  
In the second stage, a bottle of linden wine was laid on the table.  
In the third stage, RAUM joined the party.  
In the fourth stage, MI-ROKU was given a farewell gift by RAUM.  
In the fifth stage, RAUM saw MI-ROKU out. One cry followed each one step. 

           How should we know when might we meet each other again?  Leaving AN-YOU 
           palace, MI-ROKU burst into tears. Many KAN-NON (the Children) also cried so 
           as to make all their tears dry out, who had left RAUM in crowd and said egood 
           byef to RAUM thinking of never meet again each other.

           RAUM handed the letter to MI-ROKU with big tears and told that RAUM trusted 
with the management of Salvation, and after all the souls of SAN-KAI 
           could have been saved, MI-ROKU should be back to RI-TEN without fail.  

RAUM handed MI-ROKU the blood letter sorrowfully worried that MI-ROKU went 
           down to the world and might be suffered from hard distresses. RAUM said, gYou 
           shall be responsible for every sins and crimes the Children might have to do with. 

           But you shall never worry about your business to see RAUMfs anxiety for the 

handed the Children the letter of blood and said gyou shall bear My 
           Message in your mind. I am very sorry from my heart you shall be wondering in 
           the Sea of distress. I hope you shall accompany MI-ROKU so as to break a 
           thousand of obstacles and exclude ten thousand of devils. RAUM will cut down 
           the devils, eliminate the demons so as to get rid of the diseases might attack 

           At that time, RAUM will endow you with GO-GYOU the Way in order to save you. 

           The time comes, RAUM will trust you all the soldiers of Heaven for the sake of 
           your life saving. At that time, RAUM will give you divine foods to save you. The 
           time comes, RAUM will endowed you with a hundred thousand of true sutra and 
           save you.h  

came back Home, and MI-ROKU went down to the earth, so that ethe letter 
           from Homef came to end. Though RAUM felt reluctant to leave, felt unease for 
           the sake of the Children.

           After sent the letter, RAUM came to the RYOU-ZAN, where hung over trails of 
           incense smoke upon its tower. The Children should make it a rule to read the 
           letter all the time. Once a man would read it, he should feel heartrending.

           Whoever read the letter would never fail to think of RAUM. I am afraid that there 
           would happen to be few people come along with you notwithstanding you were in 
           TOU-DO. If anyone might have been there and realize the Message of RAUM
           he might as well join a big welcome party in RI-TEN. If a man might never realize 
           the letter, he could hardly and seldom or never come Home, however sincerely 
           he would think of return Home the other day. If a man could not return Home for 
           ten thousand years so as to lose human body, he may just as well have nothing 
           to do with the Way.                         