A story about the Hell


                                                                                      Gods' Messagaes for Missionary                  

           There is a world of difference between Catastrophe and Peace, 
               nevertheless the distance between Hell and Paradise is in a twinkle. 

  The time of the general Salvation has come, so that any One could come
               Home so far as he might be pointed at his

    I am EN-MA the Great, have come down to the holy place in accordance 
               with the Command of God, and after greeting with

I am going to reveal the special secret to you, so that you shall listen  
               to me with the utmost awed attention.
                                                                                                                FAF-FA Pause.


           A man was born to go astray in the world so as to sink into the Styx. 
               Anybody would be swept away by a tumultuous rush of water to live and 
               die so as to fall into a waterfall to be crashed in the basin of it. As a result, 
               he should go astray in the dark maze of the reincarnation so as to fall deep 
               into the valley of SHI-SHOU without fail.

               The facts mentioned above must have not been caused by the sins of your  
               parents, brothers, nor by Gods, nor by your ancestors, but by the evil 
               causalities a man might have accumulated in his former lives by himself. 
               Who could be free from the hard restraints of distresses so as to break 
               through the strict barrier of Hades? Anybody who had laughed away the 
               scares of Hell should have hardly meet his end, when the Demons might 
               come and take him away peremptorily giving no ear to the law of any 
               causality. It would be too to cry over onefs catastrophe caused by onefs 
               deeds that one had been lived to believe only the reality of improvable 
               world, doubting the existence of the other possible world meanwhile, so as 
               to have indulged in worldly enjoyments. Heaven and the Hellfs official are 
               used to record all the sins and crimes one might have done to the last 

           All the sins and crimes one have accumulated throughout his former lives 
               should reveal the devilish world named Hell so that he would be worried 
               about the compensation for his sin, much the same that one might be 
               perplexed with some virtual images of the distress world reflected by his 
               sinful five senses.

               Hell is by no means a fictitious world from any imaginations. Ancient men 
               of wisdom proved its reality through the intuitive observations with their 
               spiritual eyes. SHA-KYA named it MEI-FU, Lao-tse called it KI-KAI, Jesus 
               Christ and Mohammed showed it by the name of Hades (inferno) and it was 
               called YO-MI in ancient Japan.

               People should never fail to be destined from birth according to their 
               causalities to live in either Orient or Europe, to be classified into one of five 
               body colours and born some in north some other in south. About the same 
               as for the spirits and ghosts in Hell, they would be discriminated in their 
               prison according to the causalities they had accumulated through their 
               former lives, and they should be sent to one of the great retributions 
               consist of either heat or cool.

               A bird-eye view of Hell is described just like as follow:

               Mammoth swords stand upright together in large numbers, as if they were 
               overcrowded skyscrapers. The boiled magma makes ferment waves, a 
               plenty of furnaces burst into flames, all the castlesf gates are closed all day 
               long and the iron poles burn all night long. Whenever any spirits and 
               ghosts pass through these places in shackles and fetters in order to enter 
               the castle in Hell, the scenery cause a big panic all over Hell so that the 
               chaotic prisoners cry out loudly or exclaim at the top of their lungs and 
               some faint in agony and some other fall senseless.

The 1st gaol

               All the dead men (souls) of sins and/or crimes of any kinds should have to 
               go down to the shades in order to sit for the examination in front of the king 

               The span of onefs life as well as the record of onefs deeds both good and 
               bad are registered here to the last detail. However earnestly one might 
               plead not guilty of any offence, insist on any good deed in order to cheat 
               the judge, he could never do a good job at all. The magic mirror named 
               GEK-KYOU-DAI never fail to display onefs disgraceful behaviours, the 
               registry keeps the history of onefs sins and the officials weigh onefs sins 
               on the scale in order to measure their punishments c DATSU-E-BA (a 
               hold-up witch) robs one of his clothes first at the riverside of the Styx, then 
               KEN-E-OU (a wizard, partner of the witch) hangs the clothes on the twigs of 
               (E-RYOU tree; looks like a willow), which shall be bent down c the heavier 
               the clothes with sins, the deeper the twigs are bent down.
Anyone could by no means cheat any divine beings, even though a man 
               might play someone false in the world.

The 2nd gaol

               Those cruel ghosts who had taken lives of any natural being as they like 
               while they were living in the world should be sent to this eTOU-KATSU (*)f 
               gaol under the control of the king SO-KOU.  The prisoners never fail to 
               become bloodthirsty felons so as to struggle with their fellows each other 
               by scratching another with their nails. No soon had their bloody bones 
               been revealed, than the gaoler demons started hitting them with the iron 
               rods and cutting their tendons with the sharp hatchets.  

Whenever a vital gust of cool wind might happen, all the ghosts could make 
               their comeback to be refreshedc refreshed to be punished again, and 
               killed again to be refreshedc such as repetition of life and death should be 
               repeated endlessly.  

Moreover, the spiritual beings that had been killed or eaten by the 
               prisoners are used to throw the homicides into their excreta pond. A plenty 
               of the insects with beak of steel and the fire emitting birds and beasts 
               would rush at the prisoners to bite off their flesh and suck up their marrow.  
              There are always blowing up the violent storm of flames in this gaol so as 
               the prisoners to drive into a corner in order to pour numbers of swords 
               upon them. If the prisoners might be captured by devils, they would be 
               roasted in roaring furnace, forced to swallow some deadly poisons, and 
               finally burnt brown in a huge gas burner so as to be rubbed out into sandy 

              The grudge and the enmity of any living being are hardly faded away, until 
               the killers should have compensated them for their damages. Whoever 
               might fear of the terrible sceneries mentioned above ought to give alms to 
               get some virtues, practice asceticism being moderate in worldly affaires, 
               and take pity on the entire natural beings with love and mercy.

                              (*) TOU-KATSU: The name eTOUf means eall togetherf and that of eKATUf means eto be

The 3rd gaol

               The evil ghosts who had committed any kind of theft in addition to the 
               above-mentioned kill shall go and see the king SOU-TEI at the eKOKU-JOU 
                (*)f gaol.  

               The demons are used to have the prisoner fall down on the red-hot plate 
               first, cut off their head with axe and saw, break off their arms, tear off their 
               livers, pull out their intestines, expose their vessels, scoop out their 
               bowels, and mince their flesh. In addition, the demons tie up the prisoner 
               with hot steel ropes so as the ends to pick holes in their brains.  

Thereafter, the demons bang the prisonersf shins with steel rods, i nflict on 
               their joints, and then let them walk along a tight-rope connected two 
               mountains in order to drop them in a giant cauldron filled with seething 
               water so as to boil their souls, cook their spirits and melt their ghosts.  

               Finally, the demons have the prisoners crawl about the thicket of sharp 
               swords, spit them with long canes, shoot them with bows and arrows; at 
               last the demons feed the leftovers to the hungry hounds with fur of fire.

               eAn eye for an eyef and ea tooth for a toothfc The law of causality shall 
               never be compromised. Whoever will be eager to free from the 
               above-mentioned disastrous scenes shall control his passion so as to be 
               gentle, keep his mind on suppressing his anger, and keep the Mission of 
               Heaven for the great cause of peace.

                         (*) KOKU-JOU: Black rope word for word.


The 4th gaol

               The shameless ghosts who had committed adultery in addition to two 
               crimes mentioned above must fall into eSHUU-GOU (*)f gaol under the king 
               GO-KAN control.  

               The demons chase the prisoners into a narrow valley between the cliffs of 
               Twin Mountains in order to squash them all together by overwhelming high 
               pressure of the walls, or sometimes put them all in a mammoth mortar in 
               order to pound them with a giant pestle, so that their flesh make a huge 
               sandy hill and their blood make a vast lake.  

Successively, the demons throw the prisoners into the river made of hot 
               copper sludge and repeat alternatively both angling them with big 
               fishhooks and dropping them next moment again into the river so as to 
               make them mud.  

               Moreover, there is a coquettish temptation by a glamorous girl on a huge 
               tree. If some prisoners might fall into the trap so as to climb the tree up to 
               the girl, all the leaves change into sharp blades and needles to take the 
               satyrsf bodies to pieces. Sometimes make the demons a display that 
               another demons scratch the vaginas of prisonersf infant daughters in their 
               faces, and sometimes fasten them to a flaming iron pole upside down so 
               that the demons pour out melted copper over them and roast them from 
               the bottom by furious smoke.  

               The sexual passion must be the worst one among the Tempters, so that its 
               inheritors could never keep their pedigrees any more.

               Whoever wants to be free from these distresses ought to keep away from 
               the carnal desires for the sake of his health, practice asceticism instead of 
               enjoying any pleasure, and obey the rules of Heaven with the traditional 

                              (*) SHUU-GOU: The word means eassembledf.  

  The 5th gaol

               The corrupt ghosts gotten into bad habits of drinking liquor in addition to 
               the above-mentioned three crimes shall go and see the king EN-RA at 
               eKYOU-KAN (*)f gaol.  

               The demons let the prisoners run around the incandescent iron plate with 
               naked feet, fry them in a boiled oil pan to be scorched black, and wrench 
               their mouths open in order to have them drink red-hot copper liquid 
               instead of wine so as their festered bowels to be flowed out of their 
               mouths. The prisoners suffer from four hundred-four sorts of diseases at 
               once, one of which might deserve to kill all the people in the world. While a 
               great number of worms with flamethrowers come into their bodies so as to 
               bite holes from head to foot thoroughly.  

               The lower class the gaol is belong to, the more pressure is aggravated so 
               as to shorten the time, that is to say, a day in Hell shall be worth as long as 
               thousand of thousand days so that the heating power of the punishments 
               is increased and its propagation speed is accelerated in proportion to the 
               consumption of fuel and light in the world.  

               No prisoner could find his family or his property left in his native land any 
               longer, even if he would ascend into BOU-KYOU-DAI from where any ghost 
               might look at his home thinking about his good ancient ages.

               Whoever may worry about these repentances, had better refrain from 
               drinking so as to recover the vitality, look for the reason without sentiment, 
               and make up his mind to obtain a supernatural power according to the 
               purest exquisite wisdom.

                               (*) KYOU-KAN: Screaming  

  The 6th gaol

               The stray ghosts who had committed the crime of curse and swear in 
               addition to the above-mentioned four crimes shall fall into eDAI-KYOU-KAN 
               (*1)f gaol under the control of the king BEN-JOU.  

               The demons sew the prisonersf tongues and lips together at one stitch 
               with heated needles, cut off their cheek flesh with knives so as to open 
               their chins from where the demons pull out their double tongues of abuse 
               with pliers, and gouge out their eyes meanwhile. Both tongues and eyes 
               pulled out of the prisoners would come out again and again, as soon as 
               they had been pulled out. No one would see or hear of the prisoners; 
               nevertheless they might scream loudly, ask for mercy sincerely, and cry in 

               The sharpness of the hone of GO-ZU (*2), the lightning emitted from the 
               eyes of ME-ZU (*3), the ferocity of YA-SHA (*4) and the rage of RA-SETSU 
               (*5)c could anybody compare these extraordinary weirdness to something 

               Nothing could be more terrible than the mind of human being. No more ugly 
               things than it could be found in the world.

               Whoever might feel sad to hear these situations, should refrain from drugs 
               of any kind for the sake of keeping his tranquillity, restrain his selfish 
               desires so as to control his mind and respect SAN-POU heartily.

                         (*1) DAI-KYOU-KAN: eDAIf is ebigf; others are just the same words mentioned before.
(*2) GO-ZU: A monster in Hell looks like an ox.
                         (*3) ME-ZU: A monster in Hell looks like a horse.
                         (*4) YA-SHA: A devil.
                         (*5) RA-SETSU: A devil.  

  The 7th gaol

                   Such wicked ghosts filled with the malicious intention as deserve to be 
               sent to the 6th gaol, shall go to eSHOU-NETSU (*)f gaol and see with the king 


               The demons skewer the prisonersf bodies with giant barbecue spits from 
               the bottom to the head so as to hold both spitsf ends on top of the props 
               over the roaring flames in order to roast them whole. Thereafter, the 
               demons put all the roasts into a heated pot, blend the ingredients so well 
               as to make them become some pieces of mincemeat. If the world could take 
               the fire in this gaol no more than the glow of a firefly, it might be burnt out 
               at once.  

Whatsoever the prisoners might do their best to hide themselves in a deep 
               cave or into the pond to make them save from the fire, the pursuers could 
               never fail to catch up with them so as to change them into ashes 
               thoroughly. At last a violent wind-spout begins to wheel around them so as 
               to blow the leftovers up in the air.  

              Those people who would marshal nothing but all sorts of flowery words 
              with a mere theory should serve their terms of this cruel gaol, nevertheless 
               they might have studied any sacred dogma.

              Whoever might turn pale with fear of these noxious aspects, should realize 
              the theory of the nature, make it a rule to practice SHU-GEN so that he could 
              learn the truth of TEN-DOU by correct means.

                           (*) SHOU-NETSU: heat  

The 8th gaol

              Anyone who has raped a nun shall fall deep into eDAI-SHOU-NETSUf gaol 
              under the control of the king TO-SHI.  

There must the utmost heat flaming fire (*DAI-SHOU-NETHU) be so much 
              active as never be extinguished even though it might be covered with full 
              sea water of the world successively for billion of billion years.  

              The gaolers working in this gaol are such cruel, ferocious and violent 
              demons that they are used to drag the prisoners about as far as trillion of 
              trillion yards distance and then cut and slice their skins and flesh with 
              heated broadaxes, strike at them with mammoth canes so strong as to 
              smash them to pieces. After that the demons pour boiled oil and water on 
              the prisoners. After all, the demons scarcely thrust them over a high cliff 
              into the crater basin before every prisoner disappears with a white smoke 
              at a moment.  

              The lower the class belongs the gaol to, the more mercilessly and severely 
              the law of causality shall be applied and the more its rate of turnover be 
              increased so that a bit of onefs sin would hardly be expiated within a 
              thousand days nevertheless.

              Whoever would make an apology for this punishment, should devote 
              himself to abstain from eating fish and meat, to practice asceticism, to 
              behave himself and spread the Way all over the world.

The 9th gaol

              All the scattered souls who has committed the worst crime of speaking ill of 
              the great Way in addition to all the crimes and sins mentioned before, shall 
              go and meet with the king BYOU-DOU in the eA-BI (*1)f gaol.  

              This gaol is positioned in the furthest end of Hell surrounded with the 
              indescribable amount of flames in all directions, so that all the lights of sun 
              and moon look like twilights. All the pains to be suffered in this gaol might 
              be as much big as trillion of trillion of the general one in the world or 
              compared with an ocean to a cup of it. The total amount of assembled pains 
              in all other gaols might be heavenly in comparison with that of this gaol. 

              Anybody could hardly tell one out of thousand of the full particulars of this 
              gaol; if I dare describe them to the detail, anybody who might hear of them 
              should never fail to be killed instantly bled from the mouth. Moreover, any 
              prisoner shall be suffered from countless kinds and amounts of diseases 

Anybody who has committed such serious sins and crimes as treason to 
              God, speaking ill of the Way, founding any religion so as to misappropriate 
              the believersf properties for his own use shall be sent to this gaol without 

                  Whoever would make a confession of his sins and crimes here, should abstain from 
                  SAN-DOKU (*2), keep GO-KAI (*3), keep away from HACHI-MA (*4), and correct JUU-AKU (*5) 
                  in order to devote himself to the Way.

       (*1) A-BI: This eSanskritf is translated into ewithout cessationf
                                in Japanese. This gaol is the most painful one in Hell.

                          (*2) SAN-DOKU: Three kind of poison; they are poisonous
                                minds of coveting, fury and ignorance.

                          (*3) GO-KAI: Five kind of commandment; they are killing,
                                theft, adultery, malice and drinking.

                          (*4) HACHI-MA: Eight kind of evil motivation; they are honour, profit, favour, affection,
                               liquor, sex, fortune and spirit.

                          (*5) JUU-AKU: Ten kind of wickedness
; they are killing, theft, adultery, coveting, fury,
                               ignorance, flowery word, malice, curse and swear.

  The 10th gaol

                Those ghosts sent from their respective gaols shall be reincarnated in 
                some next lives abided by their each judgement decided by the king 
                TEN-RIN of this gaol.  


                    The reason for the judgement shall be so precisely described to the last detail that there 
                    anyone could find neither mistake nor oversight in its contents at all.

                    Each emigrant soul shall be destined at TEN-KYOU-SHO (*1) the fortune in its next life 
                    according to the spiritual grade and the causalities to live one of SHI-SHOU (four sort of 
                    inhuman beings) cTAI-SEI (best), RAN-SEI (bird), SHI-SSEI (fish) and KA-SEI (insect) c or 
                     to live such as specified human being as male or female, poor or rich, noble or humble.      
                    And then the released convicts shall be sent to the OU-BO-DAI (*2), where MOU-BA-SHIN
                    (*3) force them to drink MEI-KON-TOU (*4) in order to make them forget their former lives 
                    before they shall leave the gaol.

                                (*1) TEN-KYOU-SHO: An agency something like an emigration.
                                        (*2) OU-BO-DAI: An agency to make onefs memory erase.
                                        (*3) MOU-BA-SHIN: The witch working in OU-BO-DAI.
                                        (*4) MEI-KON-TOU: The drink to make onefs memory erase.

                So far as the reincarnation of any soul is concerned, there is no more 
                opportunity than a little bit of soil on onefs nail to be born in human being, 
                while there is no less chance than an amount of the earth to be fallen into 

Every description in this message shall be neither ostentatious display by 
                Heaven nor punishment nor penalty inflicted by myself, but the truth I am 
                telling you just as it is. People must have made them all by themselves, 
                they will come and suffer from all the distress for themselves. gAs a man 
                sows, so he shall reap.h A man has to atone for the sins he has committed 
                by himself, no one else could hardly act as a substitute for him. Himself 
                has evidently applied the rule since ancient ago that a man ought to 
                amend for his mistake. No application of the rule of causality, no 
                opportunity of regeneration. If it were not for Hell, no Salvation should 
                become inevitable. The very causality is just the brilliant road laid by 
                RAUM with great mercy.

                I am sending you my message in order to menace you by no means but to 
               make the public wish for the paradise without attaching to the corrupt 

All amount of seawater would be short of writing all the sceneries of Hell 
               even if I might want to describe them to the last detail. Therefore, I have 
               introduced you merely a little bit of them.  However sincerely one might 
               curse, pray, chant or meditate in order to reach the stage of immortality, he 
               could hardly deceive any spiritual official.  

However might one dedicate much statue and temple, write and read much 
               chant and bible so as to earn merits, anyone could never change his evil 
               causality into good one enable him to be released from any punishment.  
However much money one might devote to the spiritual world, solemn 
               tomb one might raise and many families might hold some memorial service 
               for him, the wind would blow heartlessly across the River Styx 
              Whatever one might throw oneself on fury demonsf mercy, curry favour 
               with the officials of formidable appearance and turn to roaring monsters for 
               help, the exit from Hell would never be released. Even if one might dedicate 
               some valuables to the demons, abdicate the crown or any other 
               honourable title; all his efforts should be in vain, he could never have his 
               requests heard.  There is nothing but a right law in this world, which 
               enables all the officials of Hell prostrate before the man who has been 
               initiated into it so as to forgive the sinner and release him from Hell. The 
               Command of RAUM must cause itc the proof of precious SAN-POU 
               endowed by the exclusive authority of the Master in SAN-KAI, which shall 
               never be revealed again in future world for ever.

Now, luckily we are meeting with a favourable opportunity of the third 
               generationfs big event; the public offering of the law to be saved held by 
               the Master. If only a man could be endowed this law he might just as well 
               be saved from the hardest distress, however he might be sorry for his 
               short lifespan in KI-TEN or suffer from the worldly affairs in SHOU-TEN. 
               RI-TEN is within easy walking distance of Hellc within a GEN-KAN. Any 
               people could never meet with the God RAUM however long they might wait 
               for the time of it, if they would fail to get the law while it is available.

              Hundred of wizards and thousand of witches would surely run away, once a 
              man could get the law. A plenty of Gods and numbers of the successive 
              Masters should never fail to come down, once a man might think of them.

              So long as a man could be initiated into the Way, all the family of his own 
              should be raised to the higher status without fail. As soon as a man could 
              achieve his aims in the Way, he would certainly become a man of rank.

              Make haste to get the Way and spread it over the world, then you might 
              change the terrible figure into the excellent one as long as you should keep 
              it for long.

              The eternal Paradise, your Home is within your reach.

       (A few following lines shall be omitted because they are private messages for some 

Now I am going to stop the writing thinking of further prosperity of this 
              territory; and I must say good-by to

              so as to come back to my business.           
                                                                                                                 FAF-FA    Retire.