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           This book is an English version of the eREI-HONf, which is 
         edited especially for foreign TENDEN
-SHIfs use of the 
         TOKU-DOU ceremony executions. Some expressions are 
         printed as they are originally pronounced in Japanese and/or 
         Chinese using Roman letters (generally by upper case letters).

         Anybody who has not yet been qualified for TENDEN-SHI is 
         allowed neither to read nor to see this handbook.

         Take great care not to lose or not to be passed into anotherfs

         possession of this book. Never give nor lend it others. Never 
         make it dirty never keep it unclean.

         You should not forget that authorized Gods from the Heaven 
         are always looking around sacred things cTEN-DAN (Alter), 
         GO-SEI-KUN (Messages from Gods) and any other printed 
         matters published by TEN-DOU... if they were keeping clean     
         and safety or not.