1. Outline of REI
                                                                                                                        BASE  HOME

             REI is the expression of menfs faithfulness and sincerity against 
             the Heaven (or Gods). Therefore it is required for humankind to 
             keep the highest silence and solemnity while they are attending 
             at any REI (ceremony). And everybody should behave sublimely 
             and devoutly as far as they can do in front of the TEN-DAN 
             (TEN-DOUfs Altar: holly place of communication with Gods).

             People who are going to attend some ceremony held in front of 
             the TEN-DAN beforehand have to wash their hands. The other 
             manners are shown below.

              (Notes) Thanks to keeping guard by Gods of the Heaven, within
                                      the circle as much 100 strides as far from the center (of any
                                      TEN-DAN) is preserved always a sacred and inviolable area
                                      from where kept away any devils and demons or any other
                                      evil spirits.    
                                       In case of necessity to keep strict secrecy such as holding                           
TOKU-DOU ceremonycthe above mentioned guard
                                      would be expected to be much safer and steadier
                                      c therefore
                                       a eSHOU-DAN KYOU( greeting invocation incantation )
                                       should be required at the beginning of the ceremony in
                                       order to ask Gods to attend it and to stand guard around
                                       the TEN-DAN so much more strictly that any evil spirits
                                      and ghosts could never approach it.    
                                       TOKU-DOU ceremony starts with eIntroduction to the TEN-DOUf
                                      (As for details, refer to eTEN-DOU
~ from A to Z ~f --- HOME(1) ---).


            1)   Male (men and boys) should keep their seats on the right side 
            of the TEN-DAN. On the other (left) side should be kept by 
            female (women and girls). Male and female should stand 
            upright face to the TEN-DAN while a ceremony is going on.

            2)   As far as TEN-DOU is concerned, male must precede female in 
            any action into which both sexes are going to be brought at 
            the same time or by turns.

            3)   Worship shall be done as follows.

          (a)   Make the costume (full-dress or normal wear) neat and tidy
Keep peace of mind
Join both hands together close to body like eGOU-DOUf
Make a formal bow from the waist (eTSU-IIf)
Put forth the left foot beside the seat (mat or spot)
Holding up the train of full-dress with both hands (when one 
           wears long-sized dress) and fall on onefs knees (laying right
           hand down on the seat in case of female)

Lay down both handscleft hand upon right handcat the        
           front edge of the seat (in front of onefs knees)
Let the brow down nearly to the hands position (quickly up 
          and down movement shall be required)cfKOU or KOU-SOUf

           4)   As soon as the worship is finished, stand up in the reverse  
           order mentioned above ((e)~(g)).

           5)   The last course of the worship shall be finished when one    
           leaves the seat with the final eTSU-IIf. Finally one should retire 
           with a slight bowing and a backward movement of the left foot 
           and the next standing upright with both feet meet on the floor.

            6)   Everybody should watch the firelight come from the middle 
            Lamp (RAUMfs TSUU-TEN TOU). The longer he/she is watching 
            it, the more God bless him/her.

            7)   KAMI TSU-RIIfs connection with God in incense burner should 
            be made just before the ceremony.